King's Business - 1916-01

The Works of Dr. William Evans (Continued)

THE BOOK OF BOOKS: WHAT IT IS; HOW TO STUDY IT A valuable handbook for individual or class use. -Part One deals with the names of the Bible; its inspiration, genuineness and authenticity, canon, languages, versions, general structure, etc. Part Two takes up the interpretation of the Bible, and its study as a whole by books, chapters, topics, words, etc. More than 5000 copies already pub­ lished. . . Excellently adapted for use by Christian Endeavor Societies, Epworth Leagues, Baptist Young People’s Unions, Young Men’s and Young Women’s Christian As­ sociations, etc. 12mo., cloth covers, 224 pages, $1.00. THE CHRISTIAN: HIS CREED AND CONDUCT Hundreds of eager listeners representing as many as twelve denominations followed weekly these lectures as given before an immense union Bible class, and many re­ quested their early publication that others might also be benefited. 12mo., art stock covers, 128 pages, 25c net; full cloth covers, 50c net. Postage, 6c. THE EPISTLE TO THE EPHESIANS Booklet ..................................................... 15c


The doctrines treated are dealt with from the standpoint of Biblical rather than dog­ matic theology. This is evident from the plan which is followed in the work, namely,, to gather together all the Scripture pas­ sages dealing with the subject under con­ sideration, and from them choose a re­ quired number that may be called repre­ sentative; then seek to understand the meaning of these references by the study of the text itself as well as its context and parallel passages; and finally, from the se­ lected proof-texts, formulate the doctrinal teaching, and place such results under ap­ propriate headings. 8 vo., cloth, 275 pages, $1.50 net. Pos­ tage, 15c. “ WHY I AM NOT A CHRISTIAN SCIENTIST” This booklet contains the substance of Dr. Evans’ lecture of similar title delivered at Chicago, Winona Lake, Pittsburgh, and other places. 16mo., art stock covers, 15c each; 8 copies for $1.00. FIRST EPISTLE OF JOHN Booklet ....... .......................... ............. ....... 5c

Some of the Writings

of Rev. J. H. Sammis

TRUTH FOR YOU There is no better booklet published for the use of personal workers than “Truth for You.” It contains a concise, but thor­ ough treatment of the great doctrines of the faith, of the dispensations, and of the false teachings of the day. There are also practical suggestions to soul winners, a tracer for personal workers, a complete index, and blank pages for prayer lists. Leather, 25c each. Per doz., $2.50. Paper, 10c, 3 for 25c, 100 for $6.00. THE A. B. C. OF BIBLICAL EVIDENCES A small booklet containing twenty-six propositions in proof that the Bible is the Word of God. 5 cents each; 50c a dozen. A WORD FOR THE TIMES A folder showing that the Scriptures foretell the rise of false teachings and of signs and- wonders which shall endanger the very elect. It also shows where our safety lies, the essential marks of the Gos­ pel, and that our Lord Jesus Christ is God incarnate. 20 cents a hundred, postpaid. A FOLDER OF POETRY Contains “The Cure for Trouble,” “The Right to Smile,” and “My Creed.” 10c a dozen. THE LIFE THAT WINS A beautiful song set to music by Pro­ fessor L. F. Peckham. 10c a dozen. Order from the BIOLA BOOK ROOM, Los Angeles, California

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