BBI Services Newsletter - April 2022

BBI Services delivers exceptional Construction to Production masterclass

BBI Services gathered senior leaders from across the built environment to North Wales for its Construction to Production masterclass. Hosted in partnership with Toyota at their world-class Engine Plant in Deeside, this exclusive event was held in collaboration with the manufacturer’s renowned Lean Management Centre. The day was facilitated by BBI Services and is a practical hands-on experience and features specialist access to the Toyota factory, where delegates are shown first-hand how the manufacturing industry works day-to-day to deliver on time.

Andy Alder , Major Projects Vice President at Jacobs and Programme Director for Tideway: “Over many years, the construction industry has been urged to learn from the manufacturing industry. “This visit highlighted many important lessons that could easily be taken and applied to the construction sector, especially for linear projects or repetitive activities. “I believe civil engineers should consider this learning and think about how they can apply it to their work as it is an incredibly beneficial and insightful masterclass. “Ultimately, the more efficient we are, the better we’re able to deliver more of the infrastructure that society needs and learning from manufacturing can help us achieve this.”

CLICK HERE to see this full article on our website

BOOK NOW for our next Masterclass 21 st June 2022

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