DuPont Wealth May 2018


Summer is right around the corner, which means you’ll soon pile the whole family into the car, ready to brave the road for a vacation. Everyone knows that riding in the car for hours can be torture. But with a little creativity, you can turn the worst part of a long trip into a fun event. Pack aTravel Game When the excitement of the family vacation starts to wear off, keep the peace and entertain your kids with a travel game. Many board game manufacturers offer travel-sized versions that are easy to pack and play in the car. Before your next road trip, consider purchasing digitalYahtzee, which packs all the fun of the classic game without the dice, or IQ Fit, a logic game with over 100 challenges. Both games cost around $10 and can provide hours of entertainment. Include theWhole Family Once the travel games no longer pique anyone’s interest, try an activity that can be fun for the whole family: a traditional road trip game. If you have a car full of storytellers, try “Fortunately, Unfortunately.”The rules are simple.The

first person starts by saying, “fortunately,” and mentioning something good about the road trip or the destination. The next person (moving clockwise) then follows by saying something “unfortunate” about the previous person’s statement. Take turns with every passenger in the car. If someone stumbles, they get a strike; three strikes and you’re out. The last passenger standing wins. Play anAudiobook or Podcast We get it. Sometimes passengers don’t want to play games. Occasionally, they’d rather relax or take a nap. However, your listening material doesn’t have to be limited to Dad’s favorite music. Instead, consider listening to a family-friendly audiobook or podcast, which can make the longest and most boring parts of your trip an entertaining or educational experience. Almost any popular book is available in audio form, but it can be hard to find an enjoyable podcast. “Transistor” is a science-focused podcast that explores subjects kids and adults will find fascinating. Or if you’re looking for something fictional, try “Storynory,” in which the narrator tells fairy tales and legends from all over the globe.



TalkWithYour Future Spouse

Despite the best intentions, a marriage may not last forever. If you are divorced or widowed and planning to remarry, you may want to take the opportunity to review and revise your estate conservation strategies. This is especially important if you and your future spouse have children from previous marriages. Regardless of the details of your situation, it is important to be aware of the potentially sensitive aspects of estate planning. With a little forethought before your wedding day, you can save your loved ones from a great deal of confusion and heartache in the future. LearnYour Options

Consider a premarital agreement to legally detail your property arrangements. While you may feel ambivalent about broaching this subject, a formalized agreement can help facilitate your wishes. It’s better to ensure you and your future spouse are on the same page about your estate plans before you tie the knot rather than putting off the conversation.

Revisit the Paperwork

Review your will and update the beneficiary arrangements of your life insurance policy to guarantee that your property is distributed according to your wishes upon your death. It’s important to ensure your plan accurately reflects your wishes today. As you prepare for and experience a major life change, such as remarriage, be sure to consult with an estate planning team comprising qualified tax, legal, and financial professionals. Our team would be happy to help as you plan the next important stage in your life.

Familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of different types of asset ownership. If you would like your assets to pass entirely to your children, you may want to put those assets in your own name. It is important to know that new assets acquired in joint tenancy with your spouse will automatically be passed on to the surviving spouse.

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