Arise 2 Magazine.pdf


A re you in transition between jobs? Have you recently been laid-off? Are you in a job that you believe may not be most effectively utilizing your skills that God has equipped you with? Have you gone through a divorce or death of a spouse and find yourself wondering what the next step is with your career or job? Are you unemployed or underemployed or know someone who is faced with this situation? If so, our career coaching services may be of help to you.

Our services are designed to assist you in the development of job search strategies, tools and marketing plans to reduce the transition time as you seek employment. Our services cover the following areas: • Skills assessment to identify your strengths and how they play out in the workplace • Understanding God’s purpose for you during the joblessness/transition period as well as learning to establish a time of prayer and Bible reading • Knowing the industry you want to join • Job search plan, goals and accountability • Job referrals • Assistance with resume development

• Effective interviewing • Celebrating job search accomplishments as well as dealing with rejection CALL: 770-631-9334 ext. 201 OR VISIT:

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