Arise 2 Magazine.pdf

Fayette C.A.R.E. Clinic partners with the following organizations to provide quality care to the under-served. We are grateful for these groups which continue to share their experience and support of the work done at the clinic: • Piedmont Fayette Hospital • Northside Hospital • OutPatient Imaging • Ankle & Foot Centers of Georgia • Outcome Medical CONTACT US TODAY VISIT

​ Often uninsured and under-served delay medical care because they cannot afford to see a doctor. This puts them at risk of a health crisis due to a lack of preventive care. For those who do manage an initial doctor visit, many are unable to afford needed medications or follow-up visits to resolve their illness. By providing access to a free medical home and the care they need, we help reduce potential health crises for our patients now, and into the future. individuals in our community

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