By Janice Buckler, BSc, RHN and Owner of Natural Legends Nutritional Consulting S urface microvilli in the small intestine are highly regenerative. Microvilli are finger-like projections that create a large surface area in order to optimize nutrient absorption. If given a total rest from everything that irritates them, they can repair themselves in four to five days. If damage is extensive there will be deep tears in the intestinal wall and healing will take much longer. Healing needs to be total before overall health can be restored. A leaky gut cannot process large protein mole- cules, so they need to be avoided. Starches and disaccharide sugars (sucrose, lactose) are also to
Janice Buckler, BSc, RHN BSc Agricultural Chemistry RH (Registered Holistic Nutritionist)
Owner/Manager: Natural Legends Nutritional Consulting
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