Silhouette studio Manual

Silhouette Studio® V4 | Chapter 13 - Designer Edition Plus Features


Multiple Rhinestones Multiple Rhinestone Mode functions similarly to Single Rhinestone Mode except the outline or fill uses a multiple rhinestone pattern. When in ‘Multiple Rhinestones’ mode, you can make a pattern of rhinestones for your design. To make a pattern, click on the rhinestone you want and drag it down to ‘User Rhinestones’. Go back to your rhinestone library and click the next rhinestone you want and drag it down next to the first one. You can drag down as many rhinestones as you want to create your pattern. Each rhinestone will automatically be placed at the end of the pattern, but by clicking and dragging, you can rearrange them to create your desired look.

Total (All Shapes)

At the bottom of the Advanced Rhinestone menu is a total rhinestone count. It tracks how many rhinestones of each size you use in your design.

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