Silhouette Studio® V4 | Chapter 4 - Drawing/Editing Images
Move/Adjust Points Move a point by hovering with your mouse over any point on the line. Once over a point that may be edited, the cursor will adjust to show you may click and grab the point to move it to any desired location. With curved lines, you may similarly grab the blue points and drag them around the screen to adjust the curve of the associated line segment. Add Points Add a point by hovering over the line where no points currently exist where you may wish to drop a new point to edit your image. Once over a line where a point may be dropped, the cursor will be adjusted to show you may click to drop a point onto the desired line location.
Aside from the tools found in Point Edit Mode, there are two additional editing tools found on the left-hand side of the screen.
Delete Point Any selected point will be deleted by using the Delete Point tool, or by right clicking on the selected point and choosing the Delete Point option. Deleting a point will cause the closest points on either side of the deleted point to join and create a new connecting line. Note that this tool is different from deleting an image and is only intended to delete individual points. It will only be available while in Point Editing Mode. Break Path You may break the path of any line point by using the Break Path tool, or by right clicking on the selected point and choosing the Break Path option. Breaking a path will create two new points from the originally selected point where the path was broken. You will note that a broken path, or two unconnected end points of opposite ends of the same line, may be re-joined by dragging one end point onto the opposite end point of the image.
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