Silhouette studio Manual

Silhouette Studio® V4 | Chapter 4 - Drawing/Editing Images


Fill Gradient Options Similar to filling images with solid colors, you may also select to fill any closed line images with a gradient fill.

To apply gradient fill options, select your closed line image and access the Fill Gradient menu by clicking on the icon shown above. You may then select any of the Basic Menu precreated gradient options. The hash line selection will always represent “clear”.


You may also alter the basic direction of the gradient by clicking on any of the Direction options at the bottom of the Basic Options panel.

The Advanced Options menu will allow you to create your own custom gradient fills based off of the last gradient fill selected. Gradient fills will always have a minimum of two colors, with one color at the top and one color at the bottom. The gradient will then create a range between the two selected colors.

You may change either of these colors in the range by clicking on the color arrow bars on the left-hand side of this gradient creator tool. Once the color is selected, you may then select any new color from the Select Color tools directly below. You may also add new bars at any interval between the top and bottom colors, or slide any color bars in between the top and bottom gradient color bars up and down to create new gradient effects. Also in the Advanced Options is the ability to rotate the angle of the gradient effect to any customized degree by either manually dragging the Angle tool or by typing in a specified degree. You will also have the ability to adjust the transparency of the line by manually dragging the Transparency option bar or by typing in the desired percentage of how transparent you wish the filled gradient effect to be, where 0% is solid and 100% is completely clear.

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