Silhouette studio Manual

Silhouette Studio® V4 | Chapter 12 - Curio Features


12.2 Stippling Stippling is the process of marking a material’s surface with numerous small dots to make a pattern. The Silhouette Curio™ provides the ability to create stipple points by either converting lines into stipple points, or by converting imported print images into stipple patterns.

The Stipple option assumes you are either using a Stipple Tool (item sold separately) or a felt tip pen. Stipple The Stipple section will allow you to convert lines into stipple patterns or to fill images with various stipple patterns.

To convert lines to stipple points, check the box for Stipple Edge under the Stipple menu. After doing so, you may control the stipple point distance by adjusting the Spacing option. Selecting one of the Stipple Fill types (Patterns or Shapes) will have the selected line image filled with your desired pattern or shape. Only one Pattern or Shape option can be selected at a time. The following settings can be adjusted according to your Pattern or Shape selected:

Grid Spacing: Zooms the selected stipple Shape in or out

Stipple Spacing: Controls stipple point spacing to either be closer together or spaced farther apart

Angle: Controls the angle of the stipple fill

Offset: Controls how close to or far from the edge of the filled shape the Stipple Fill will appear

The Stipple Size option will adjust the display size of the stipple points on your screen. This does not control the actual resulting size of the created stipple point. This is for display purposes only.

When the Print Stipple option is checked, your image can be sent to a printer in order to print out an image of the selected stipple settings.

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