Vital Care PT October 2017


From the moment you wake up in the morning, it feels like a dense fog fills your head. When you drag yourself out of bed and go to make yourself a plate of eggs and toast, it suddenly seems like a much more complicated task than before. You lose track of time, and the smell of smoke enters your nostrils. Frantically turning the burner off, it occurs to you that you can’t remember the day of the week.

According to Time Magazine, 47 million people around the world live with some type of dementia. Typically, as we age, we’re told that all we can do is hope for the best and bide our time until there’s a cure, but recent research by the Alzheimer’s Research Center paints a different picture. A set of simple lifestyle changes may be the key to staving off cognitive decline as we get older. Regular exercise has been shown by the to reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s by up to 50 percent, according to Help Guide, and it can even slow the onset of already-present cognitive decline. Walk or swim for about 150 minutes each week, along with two to three sessions of moderate resistance training, as well as balance and coordination exercises. Check out for more info on staying active as you age. Heart-healthy eating may also protect the brain. Limit your intake of sugar and saterated fats and eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Replace butter and margarine with olive or canola oil. Two diets that have been linked to heart health are the DASH diet ( and the Mediterranean diet.

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W ord on the S treet MARC’S PT STORY

“When I came in the first time I knew my pain and mobility was bad, but didn’t know how bad. I quickly found out, but now I feel 20 years younger. From the first day to the last was a wonderful experience and they have far exceeded my expectations. This is the nicest group of people. I haven’t seen anyone in here be other than the best every time I walk in.” -Marc C.

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