Marketplace Apps Industry Summer Report 2024

Selective Search Results in Strategic Acquisition FE professionals reached out to a tailored list of buyers for Stocky, ultimately leading to its acquisition by Shopify

Stocky delivers a comprehensive platform for businesses looking to optimize their inventory management using Shopify POS Pro.Boasting an array of powerful tools, from creating and managing purchase orders to seamless communication with suppliers, Stocky ensures efficientand strategic stock handling. Coupled with product recommendations based on profitability and in-depth stock analytics. Company Overview:

Sold to


Key Value Drivers:

Buyer Interest:

Process Results:

B2B SaaS Shopify App Inventory Management

• Impressive reach within a vast addressable target market comprising hundreds of thousands of potential users • Consistent revenue acceleration observed over the past three years, indicating a promising trajectory • Outstanding product reputation underlined by stellar user reviews and top-tier ratings • Operational prowess demonstrated by lean processes, facilitating enviable high margins

• 48 Parties Contacted.

• FE International garnered significant attention from strategic entities.

3 offers received, all from strategics

• This led to 3 competitive bids for the company, ensuring not only the perfect buyer but also two additional backup offers, showcasing our commitment to exceeding client expectations


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