Biola in China





Dr. Frank A. Keller, Founder

Dr. Lou is T. Talbot, President

Mr. Milton Stewart

Dr. Charles A. Roberts, Superintendent

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Former Groduating Class

Top, left-

, Music Graduate,

Now Studying in America

Above- , Scofield Correspondence Course Secretory

Bottom, left-Brother and Sister in Seminary Department

Evangelistic Bond Leaders

Institute Basketball Team


A large and important division of the work of the Hunan Bible Institute is our Orphanage. At the close of the war there was a desperate need to care for fatherless and motherless waifs. On our campus today there are

over 150 of these precious little ones. They are being fed, clothed, given medical care and best of all, being taught concerning the love of God for them as it is found in the Lord Jesus Christ.


The Hunan Bible Institute was established in 1917 by the Rev. Frank A. Keller, B.A., M.D., as the result of need for training Chinese Christian lay– men who were enthusiastic to preach the Gospel to their own people. Prior to the erection of the beautiful campus at Changsha, Hunan, where the Institute is located, Dr. Keller had gathered arm~nd him a number of intel– ligent young men who later became organized into what are now known as the Biola Evangelistic Bands. These bands are the original Evangelistic Bands in China to follow a 111ethodical type of Evangelism by systematically visiting towns and villages in a designated area, preaching the Word, and distribut– ing Gospel portions. The Institute was first opened in a temporary building at Changsha . Other Evangelical Missions hearing of the new Institute, asked the privilege of sending men and women for training as there was no other Bible Institute in Central China . At that time Mr. Milton Stewart and Mr. Lyman Stewar't, Christian laymen, gave liberally to the support of the Evangelistic Bands, and later contributed largely to the building of the Institute at Changsha. Students came from all the provinces in China, and over seven hundred have been graduated and now hold responsible positions as pastors, teachers, and Bible women . World War 11 brought a cessation of the work at Changsha by the occu– pation of our city and campus by the Japanese . Severe damage was suffered by heavy bombing . At the close of the war Dr. Roberts returned to Changsha and the ruins; but by God' s grace and the united effort of Christian people, the buildings have been restored and today there is greater activity on the campus than ever before. Student body is the highest on record . The Evangelistic Bands are back at work and in addition a new department for War orphans housing 155 children has been opened. A new feature of the work is the cooperation of Hudson Taylor Memorial Hospital on the campus. This is the only mission hospital in the city and county with resident missionary doctors.

HERE IS THE WAY TO HELP BIOLA IN CHINA: Like our parent Institute, we are not endowed. We depend on the prayers and stewardship of our friends . And through the years we have been most grateful for the fine fellowship that has existed. EVANGELISTIC BANDS Each Band includes seven to nine trained evangelists and a leader. To sponsor a leader costs $300.00 per year, or $25.00 per month . The evange- 1 ists may be sponsored by a gift of half ·that_amount, or $150.00 per year. ORPHAN CARE Orphans are given shelter, clothing, food, training, medical care and all necessities. The present cost for a year's complete care of one of China 's little ones is approximately$ l 00 .00. STUDENT SPONSORSHIP Students are trained without any cost to them for .their tuition . At the present time (with some fluctuation) a Chinese student may be supported for approximately $ l 00.00 per year.

CHINA HEADQUARTERS HUNAN BIBLE INSTITUTE Changsha, Hunan, China Dr. Charles A. Roberts, General Superintendent

AMERICAN HEADQUARTERS (U.S.A. ) BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 13, California Dr. Louis T. Talbot, President Mt. Ray Myers, Chairrnon of the Board

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