Ecommerce & Consumer Products Summer Report 2024

Private Sale of an Ecommerce Business FE International represented Voltaplex, a B2B ecommerce business that sells individual batteries

Voltaplex is a dropship B2B ecommerce business that sells individual batteries, battery packs, and accessories such as circuit boards. The business has an additional revenue stream where it refers other distributors to its manufacturer and gets a referral fee. Company Overview:

Sold to

Key Value Drivers:

• Opportunity presented to 85 buyers with the majority of outreach focused on strategic acquirers Buyer Interest:

• Found the right strategic buyer and negotiated a favorable transaction structure for the seller Process Results:

Ecommerce B2B

• High customer stickiness – customers have a hard time changing suppliers due to niche market control • Lithium-ion batteries have a wide range of use cases, and the increase in electric vehicles and home energy storage should increase the demand levels

• Company’s revenue grew 167% YoY • High average order value of c.$14,100


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