NYSportsandSpinal_Is it Back Pain or Sciatica?


INSIDE: Is It Back Pain Or Sciatica? Understanding Back Pain How Can You Tell The Difference Between Back Pain & Sciatica Pain?


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IS IT BACK PAIN OR SCIATICA? (continued from outside)

OurPT,Dr.Karl Rush,performing aShoulder Mobilization.

The most common type of back pain experienced is in the lower back, and it can happen for any variety of reasons. Being in a car accident can cause you to experience lingering back pain for years after the accident. Accidents at workcan leadtosimilarconsequences. Butsometimes thecauseofyourback pain isn’tasstraightforward.Backpain can also develop for any number of common reasons — things that you doeverydaywithoutthinkingtwice.An olddeskchairthatdoesn’tprovidemuch lumbar support can take its toll over time, as can wearing shoes that don’t have much support, or even gaining weight,particularlyaroundthestomach area. Too many people consider back pain a normal experience of their lives and

don’t immediately seek support that couldmakethepainan issueofthepast. Working with a physical therapist is, handsdown,thebestthingthatyoucan do when you are looking to overcome back pain. A physical therapist can identify the cause of the back pain and presentyouwithhelpfulstrategiesthat can strengthen your back and reduce the severity of your pain. Physical therapy for back pain often includes a combination of targeted massage, flexibility and range of motion training, musclebuilding,andtargetedstretching techniques. Using these strategies in combination with anti-inflammatory medication, as recommended by your physician, isoftenconsideredthemost- efficientapproachtohandlingbackpain and is recommended by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons.

Dr. Karl Rush explaining Forward Head Posture and how to correct it.


(continued inside)

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