CAT Orientation Quick Start Guide

CAT Orientation Quick Start Guide Use this guide to learn the basics of navigation and frequently performed actions.

Search Search for courses, as well as virtual, instructor-led and recorded webinar sessions.

Navigational Menu Allows quick access to various areas of the CLC, including Universal Profile, transcript, training calendar, and more.

Universal Profile Upload a profile photo, bio information, add topics of interest, add subjects, and displays team info. Learner Homepage Click the CLC logo at the top of any page to return to the Learner homepage.

Agents, Agency, Personal Lines, Policy, Professional Development, Insurance

Playlists Create new playlists (curated lists of training).

Transcript Your transcript includes active, completed and archived courses. Filter or sort courses by status, due date, or course type. Assigned Training Assigned Training displays the curriculum and individual courses assigned to you.

Training Carousels Learners can view Netflix-style categories of training recommendations. Includes categories for required, suggested, continue learning, most popular, and recommendations based on completed training. Watch the Featured carousel for upcoming webinars.

Avoiding Late Submissions

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