

Does official plan take into account health? the Township without any consideration for other adjacent sectors (Longueuil and West Hawkesbury)?

The Editor, We would like to provide some correc- tions and additional information to the articles “Ivaco buffer raises worries about growth freeze” and “Ivaco Rolling Mills: A good corporate citizen,” which appeared November 23 and December 7 in the Tri- bune-Express. The Champlain Township council meet- ing November 14 dealt with the new of- ficial plan for the villages of L’Orignal and Vankleek Hill. It was sad to notice that just a handful of citizens were present at such an important public meeting. Curi- ously, the Champlain Township Official Plan has been defined only for these two villages. Is it realistic to assume that an of- ficial plan can be defined for only a part of pdf ). A 2011 Environment Canada emis- sions report ( also confirmed that 23 kg of mercury and its compounds were emitted in the air in 2010. As such, it is reasonable to ask if the Cham- plain Official Plan really takes into consid- eration the well-being of people that are living in the area. How can an elementary school be located so close to a major source of mercury pollution when it is well docu- mented that this substance can affect nega- tively the normal development of children and be a major cause of health problems? Recent upgrades to the Ivaco plant, even if they can reduce polluting emissions, are not of much comfort, as the Ontario Clean Air Alliance report also states that “Mercury

is a persistent, bio-accumulative chemical that causes reproductive and development damage, particularly in children. As we learn more about mercury’s harmful effects, the lev- els considered “safe” have fallen over time… Children, because of their small size and de- velopment stage, are particularly sensitive to mercury.” Buffer zones were also a topic of discus- sion that evening. Under the D-6 Guide- lines, for Class III Industrial Facilities, a mini- mum buffer zone of 300 meters with no residential development must be in place around the plant site. In addition, the “Min- istry has identified, through case studies and past experience, potential influence areas (i.e. areas within which adverse effects may be ex- perienced) for industrial land uses.” For Class III industries, the potential influence area is 1,000 meters. Adverse effects on people living within the influence area may be caused by fugitive emissions from regular operations such as “…odour, noise, vibration and particulate such as dust.” The guidelines dictate that these influence areas are to be used unless “ specific substantiating informa- tion” can prove otherwise. During the Official Plan meeting, Ivaco proposed to reduce the influence area from 1,000 to 600 meters. Property buyers in this zone would have to be made aware in a legal document that they are buying into a heavy industry influence area. Citi- zens should be aware that there are already homes within the 300-meter buffer zone, and that the school is within the 1,000-me- ter influence zone. The problem is never as big as when it does land in your backyard and/or af- fect your wallet. Some council members seemed concerned by this. One council member asked Ivaco’s General Manager if the company was going to purchase his property located in the influence area. A citizen of L’Orignal also noted that the Of- ficial Plan was “ misleading ” when identify- ing a large “Park, Open Space and Recreation Policy Area” within Ivaco’s influence area. So much for urban planning! Action Champlain Directors: Charles Despins Gérald Pilon Michael Santella “It was sad to notice that just a handful of citizens were present at such an important public meeting. “ Once again this year, the town of Hawkesbury is organizing a special Christmas tree collection. This year’s pick-up ends January 18. For further information, contact the Public Works department at 632-0106, exten- sion 2020. You can also bring your tree yourself to the eastern entrance to Cyr de LaSalle Park, on Philippe Street, north of Main. The trees will be shredded and used for municipal ground maintenance. Remember to remove all decorations before dropping your evergreen at the curb or bringing it to the depot. Recycle the evergreens

This meeting proved this point. Ivaco is a Class III industrial facility on the border of the Village of L’Orignal in the Longueuil district. The village of L’Orignal is, in part, in Ivaco’s so-called “ influence area ” as defined by Ontario’s ministry of the Environment in its D-6 Guidelines. The December 7 article indicated that “ a citizen stated that Ivaco was one of the larg- est mercury pollution producers in the world. ” This is incorrect, as what was actually said at the meeting is that a 2007 report from the Ontario Clean Air Alliance lists Ivaco as the 8 th largest mercury air polluter in Ontario with 24 kg emitted in 2006 (www.cleanai-

AVIS DU GOUVERNEMENT DE L’ONTARIO AVIS DE RECLASSEMENT REMISE EN ÉTAT DU PASSAGE INFÉRIEUR DE L’AUTOROUTE 34 LE LONG DE L’AUTOROUTE 417 Canton de North Glengarry, comtés unifiés de Stormont, Dundas et Glengarry WP : 4433-02-01 ÉTUDE La société Morrison Hershfield Limited a été choisie par le ministère des Transports (MTO) pour réaliser l’avant-projet détaillé et l’étude d’évaluation environnementale de portée générale relatifs à la remise en état du passage inférieur de l’autoroute 34 (site 31-292), situé le long de l'autoroute 417, dans le canton de North Glengarry, lui-même situé au sein des comtés unifiés de Stormant, Dundas et Glengarry.

PLAN REPÈRE Les travaux de remise en état du passage inférieur de l’autoroute 34 se traduiront spécifiquement par les tâches suivantes : rapiéçage du tablier, imperméabilisation, pavage, installation de nouvelles parois et réparation de l’infrastructure. Des restrictions de largeur de la chaussée seront mises en place pendant les travaux. Il se peut que le projet comporte des mesures de gestion du trafic, dont la fermeture de bretelles à court terme et des restrictions de voie de circulation, afin de faciliter la remise en état de la structure. PROCESSUS En vertu de l’ évaluation environnementale de portée générale pour les installations de transport provinciales (2000), l’étude a été amorcée en tant que projet relevant du groupe « B ». À la suite de l’évaluation des répercussions potentielles sur l’environnement et en limitant la fermeture des bretelles à une durée inférieure à 24 heures par bretelle pendant des jours non consécutifs, il a été établi que les travaux proposés n'entraîneraient pas de répercussions majeures sur l'environnement ou le trafic. En se fondant sur ces considérations, le MTO suggère de « reclasser » la remise en état du passage inférieur de l’autoroute 34 en projet relevant du groupe « C ». Un document d’examen environnemental sera préparé pour le MTO aux fins d'usage interne. COMMENTAIRES Le MTO vous invite à soumettre votre avis ou à faire part de vos préoccupations concernant ce projet. Tout au long de la période de consultation publique de 30 jours, du 10 janvier 2013 au 8 février 2013 , un particulier peut demander à ce que le MTO reconsidère sa décision et à ce que le projet continue de relever du groupe « B ». Vous pouvez contacter les membres de l’équipe du projet suivants avant le 8 février 2013 afin d’obtenir de plus amples informations ou pour demander au MTO de reconsidérer sa décision de reclassement. M. Joseph Ostrowski, ingénieur M. Kevin Gibbs, ingénieur Directeur de projet Directeur de projet Morrison Hershfield Limited Ministère des Transports 235 Yorkland Boulevard 1355 John Counter Boulevard Suite 600 Postal Bag 4000 Toronto (Ontario) M2J 1T1 Kingston (Ontario) K7L 5A3 Téléphone : 416-499-3110 Téléphone : 613-540-5120 Télécopie : 416-499-9658 Télécopie : 613-540-5106 Courriel : Courriel : Les commentaires et informations ayant trait à ce projet seront recueillis conformément à la Loi sur l’accès à l’information et la protection de la vie privée . À l’exception des renseignements personnels, tous les commentaires seront intégrés au dossier public. Si, afin de participer à ce projet, vous souhaitez faire valoir vos droits en vertu de la Loi sur les personnes handicapées de l'Ontario , veuillez contacter l'un des membres de l'équipe du projet dont les coordonnées figurent ci-dessus.

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