4C — October 10 - 23, 2014 — Pennsylvania — M id A tlantic
Real Estate Journal
P ennsylvania
Rohrbaugh, Stine, Khan and Hagerman represent Bennett Williams brokers transactions totaling52,225 s/f
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SW Pennsylvania Office 591 E. Maiden Street
New Jersey Office Pureland Complex, Suite 306 510 Heron Dr., PO Box 521
Washington, PA 15301 Phone: 724-206-0348 Fax: 724-206-0380
Cloister Shopping Center
Bridgeport, NJ 08014 Phone: (856) 467-2276 Fax: (856) 467-3476
Y ORK, PA — BEN- NETT WILLIAMS REALTY, INC. , a third-party, commercial real estate firm in Central Penn- sylvania—has arranged the following sale/leases: Sales: Brad Rohrbaugh , Chad Stine , and Abe Khan of Ben- nett Williams represented both the buyer and the seller in the transaction for a 20,576 s/f multi-family building that sold at 610 W. Philadelphia St. in York. Advance Stores Company purchased a 5,400 s/f retail building for an Advance Auto Parts store location from Thomas Real Estate Group, LLC. at 203 S. Antrim Way in Greencastle, PA. Rohrbaugh, Stine, and Adam Hagerman of Bennett Williams repre- sented buyer in the transac- four-story building with a foot- print over 33,000 s/f on South Broad St. Preparation of the application required: • A structural engineer to pre- pare the Site Safety Demolition Plan • A civil engineer to prepare the StormWater Management plan • A licensed Philadelphia de-
and Khan represented the ten- ant in the transaction. OMG Gaming Center re- cently leased a 3,000 s/f re- tail space at Cloister Shop- ping Center at 2811-2813 E. Prospect Rd. in York, PA. Rohrbaugh, Stine, and Jacobs represented the landlord and Khan represented the tenant in the transaction. Advance Auto Parts has re- cently leased a total of 19,649 s/f at 3 separate locations. At Dillsburg Shopping Center on Rt. 15 in Dillsburg, PA 6,895 s/f of retail space was leased. At South Hanover Shopping Center at 851 Baltimore St. in Hanover, PA 6,895 s/f re- tail space was leased. And in Lemoyne, at 57 South 3rd St., 5,859 s/f retail was space leased. Rohrbaugh, Stine, and Hagerman represented the tenant in these transactions. n sidewalk providing access to the subway beneath the surface • The Streets Department ap- proval of the fence permit • Utility companies notified to shut off utilities • Consents from several neigh- bors (some through court ac- tion) • The L&I examiner who re- continued on page 6C
Leases: Sophie’s Italian Ice has leased a 400 s/f retail building at 2039 S. Queen St. in York, PA. Rohrbaugh, Stine, and Khan of Bennett Williams rep- resented both the landlord and the tenant in the transaction. Skyview Commons has leased 1,200 s/f retail space leased at 240 N. 7th St. in Eph- rata, PA. Foreman Architects- Engineers, Inc. & Foreman Program and Construction Managers leased the property. Rohrbaugh, Stine, Hagerman, and Mark Jacobs of Bennett Williams represented the landlord in the transaction. Cloister Shopping Center leased a 2,000 s/f retail space at 108 N. Reading Rd. in Eph- rata, PA to The Fun-est Toy Store Ever. Rohrbaugh and Stine represented the landlord • The Department of Revenue to provide a tax clearance cer- tificate • The Water Department to provide Storm Water Manage- ment approval • SEPTA approval of the plan since grates were located on the
Philadelphia’s demolition regulations: One year later continued from page 2A molition contractor • An asbestos company to pro- vide a site report
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