Roz Marketing - September/October 2023


I’m always up for an adventure, especially if it’s fun, but honestly, even a conference can be fun for me. I’ll always find a way to bring a good time into the mix. Several months ago, I had it on my mind for Michael and me to attend a Vivid Vision Retreat hosted by Jennifer Hudye. I’d been thinking about going to one for a couple of years, but now, it was at the forefront of my mind. Michael was hesitant. “We’re so busy and have so much going on right now,” he said. I knew we were busier than ever with our business, but I also thought, is there ever time to do these things? My response was, “You have to go, if I only go, it will only be half of a vision.” I was very focused that I wanted this to happen this year, and Jennifer only puts on these retreats once or twice a year. I didn’t want one more year to pass by without Michael and me writing out our vision. When it comes to realizing my goals, I prefer to look to someone who’s an expert in that field and seek out their knowledge. Michael calls it the “speed of implementation.” I’m just not good at figuring out things on my own. But I’m teachable. And I didn’t want to read a book on how to do this; I wanted to go and learn in person. You might be wondering — what is a Vivid Vision Retreat? Simply put, this is a three-day event designed as a way to help you gain clarity on the vision of what you want your goals

“Give yourself permission to follow your vision.”

to be in three years, whether it’s for your personal life or for your business. For Michael and me, it was for our business. We already achieved a lot of what we had set out to do, and we had so-called “arrived” at our milestones and now wanted to create a new vision for our company. It’s not like we don’t share our goals with our Roz Team; we do, but my plan was to have it written out in a document where it specifically said what they were. We wanted to learn how to communicate our vision with our team and for them to see what it was we actually had in mind as well as the goals we had for them. Jennifer guides attendees through a specific process with templates for everyone to create their vision. It’s great to have company goals, but it’s better if everyone working with you knows what they are and is aligned with your vision. It’s hard to write out everything Michael and I received from attending this three-day retreat, but besides having more clarity on what our plans are for the next three years, this event gave us the motivation and feeling of “We got this, we know what it is we want, and we’re going to follow this new path.” So many times when we have dreams of what we want to achieve, it’s hard to even know if it’s possible. I pretty much have always followed the philosophy in my life to tap into my intuition and find ways to figure out that thing I want to achieve in my life — which brings me back to you. What are some of the dreams you have for yourself? What are your goals? Whatever they are, you have the ability to figure it out. The first thing you need to do is give yourself permission to follow your vision. You don’t need all the answers to how it’s going to happen; you just need to know it’s possible, and you’re worth it. –Roslyn Rozbruch

Jennifer Hudye, Michael, and Roslyn out to dinner celebrating their Vivid Vision

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