Roz Marketing - September/October 2023

Sometimes, our biggest strength is also our biggest weakness. For Jesus Abikarram, owner of Freedom Tax Resolution in Florida, he says being a risk-taker is his strength and weakness. When it comes to investing in his tax resolution practice, risk- taking has proven to be his strength. Jesus began his career in the tax industry when he was only 18. He started in 1992 as an insurance broker, but within a year, he turned to doing taxes. He knew he wanted his own office and says, “I sold my car, had a little bit of money saved, a couple hundred bucks, filed my taxes really early, and opened my first office. On Feb. 10, 1993, I did my first tax return. How’s that for a startup?” Jesus tends to trust his instincts and make decisions quickly if he feels it’s the right thing to do. Years ago, while attending a tax conference, he came across a tax resolution conference and says, “That triggered my interest, and I started learning about the subject and attending educational conferences. I became an Enrolled Agent (EA), and an NTPI Fellow.” How Jesus passed the EA exams might sound hard to believe but is true. “I purchased the study material for the test, didn’t open a single book because I’m an audio-visual learner, and just started listening to the audio. I took test No. 1, then No. 3, and then No. 2,” he says. Jesus passed each test the first time and is glad he’s never had to take a test twice. When it came to purchasing the Tax Resolution Domination System (TRD), that took a little more time. Sometime in 2016, Jesus became aware of Roz Strategies and Michael, but he wasn’t sure he believed what he was hearing. Then, one of Michael’s marketing strategies caught Jesus’ eye. He received a Roz Strategies mailer where Michael’s face was on the postage stamp. Somehow, that particular mailer interested Jesus to learn more about the TRD, and he says, “I said, ‘You know what? This guy must be telling some truth in his story. Let me jump on one of his webinars.’ I did and I bought the Domination System.” Jesus Abikarram, Enrolled Agent PLATINUM MASTERMIND MEMBER SPOTLIGHT

That was in 2018, and three years ago, Jesus joined the Platinum Mastermind. During these years, he has focused his time and money on his marketing and says marketing is everything. Although, he admits the upfront investment in marketing was one of the hurdles he needed to overcome. But it’s all been worth it because his bottom line has increased threefold since he began following the strategies in the TRD and being in the mastermind. On his definition of success, Jesus says, “Having a steady flow of clientele being serviced with a good staff that I’m able to guide and lead and have the business working without so much intervention.” He adds, “It gives me more time to do the marketing, and I like marketing!” Jesus also likes helping taxpayers. One of his favorite success stories is about a retired couple — both were sick and could no longer work. “The husband got the money out of his 401(k) to buy a house for his wife in case he passed so she wouldn’t have to go to probate. He found himself with a huge tax debt because no one told him he had to pay taxes on the money taken from the 401(k). I was able to help him settle his debt for 1 dollar. The couple owed $34,000, which was a lot of money for them.” Jesus also credits the Platinum Mastermind for helping him succeed. “What I really appreciate is the openness of the people in the meetings where they say what is working and what’s not. Then, take Michael’s recommendation on the subject matter and run with it, get it done,” he says. When Jesus isn’t spending his time and money on marketing, he enjoys life in Pembroke Pines with his wife, Lourdes. They have three adult daughters, and they enjoy getting together for holidays, birthdays, and other gatherings about once a month. “My hobbies are just having fun with my family,” Jesus says, “and we love to travel. We usually go back home to the Dominican Republic to spend time with relatives.”

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