Roz Marketing - September/October 2023

High-five to Ross Hitchen for negotiating a $41,000 penalty abatement for his client after a 10-minute talk with a revenue agent. That’s a great day! Congrats to Jon Neal for retaining a client for a $28,000 fee, whom he originally spoke to in November 2021. It’s all in the follow-up! Way to go, Daniel Cotts , for signing two clients and closing $71,000 in fees! High-five to Daniela Romero for receiving her first referral using the referral letter. Keep mailing out those letters! Kudos to Cynthia Finkenbinder for implementing the no-hassle social media posts. Congratulations to Boyce Goff on celebrating his 52nd anniversary with his wife. A toast to you both! High-five to Cynthia Finkenbinder , Paulette Marshall , Leslie Murphy , Joy Spicer , Adietra Duval , and John Sterbick for mailing out referral letters. OUTS !

Happy Birthday to Our Members!

Do you have a story or picture to share with us about something you’ve implemented, a client you’ve helped with a tax problem, or anything else you’d like to share? If you do, email it to, and we will give a Shout Out to you!

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