King's Business - 1946-01


New Department T5ECAUSE -it is the sincere belief of The King's Business that one of the greatest needs of the child of God to­ day is to actually study the Bible, we are with this issue inaugurating a new Bible department. Under the scholarly direction of Dr. John A. Hub- bard, for the past twenty-six years, h.ead of the Department of English Bible at the Bible Institute of Los An­ geles, we are to select a Book from that library of 66 books, the Holy Bible, to be our “Book of the Month.” Our readers will be asked to read and reread this book as many times as possible during the month, and to make use of the valuable helps of­ fered by Dr. Hubbard. The lasting benefit which will come from such a practice is beyond belief. This method was made popular by the late Dr. James M. Gray of the Moody Bible Institute, and, more than any other plan of study, has made Bible lovers of Bible Institute students and others. Our readers are earnestly requested to join us in this monthly exercise. ' Most Christians spend shockingly lit­ tle time-in actual Bible study, which results in spiritual anaemia. The pre­ scription of the Great Physician for such cases is a rich and steady diet of the vitalized Word of God! ★ ★ Nevertheless the Foundation o f God Standeth Sure fTlHE world is genuinely frightened. A Without doubt there has never been a time when such universal panic has gripped men’s hearts. The normal aplomb of men seems to be gone. Men not usually given to religious utter­ ances are declaring that the only way out is a spiritual one. ' The general feeling is that our new­ ly d i s c o v e r e d and demonstrated atomic e n e r g y is a Frankenstein, which will eventually destroy us all. The public press is full of plans to control the use of the almost incon­ ceivable energy of the atom. The in­ telligentsia of the world are rushing into print with their suggestions of solutions. Debates fill the air. One can scarcely engage in a conversation of any length without having to dis­ cuss the great question of the fear of the future. Truly the world has “the jitters,” and no wonder! How refreshing and how heartening, then, to turn to the pages of the im­ perishable Word of God and read, “Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The

Lord knoweth them that are his.” Here is God’s answer to fearful hearts. Here is divine courage for dark days. Here is unfailing help in dire emer­ gency. True, the world is in a terribly dangerous p o s i t i o n—nevertheless, nevertheless, nevertheless . .. God! God knows who are His; He remem­ bers us; He will care for us. Praise His matchless Name! Christians everywhere should be re­ minded that this is the day when our testimony counts most. The man of the world is watching us. He wants to know if the peace of God which we claim to possess, is sufficient for these days. Let us therefore drink deeply of the life-giving promises of God so that our testimony to the keeping power of our God may be used to turn men and women to the One who said, “All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth,” and “Fear not, little flock.” ★ ★ It’ s Now or Never ipHE YEAR of peace for which we "L have so earnestly prayed has come. The restrictions and stringencies of the past four dark years are being lifted gradually. Commerce is being resumed and travel is again possible. Things are beginning to get back to normal status, but for the people of God with a vision of the world’s need, they must not be allowed to settle back into what has been considered a normal level. Peace has not come as a matter of course. It is the work of God. It holds a challenge from God. After allowing the most devastating conflict civili- zation has ever known, including a brief, but terrifying demonstration of man’s most deadly weapon, the Lord has suddenly brought peace. Without His intervention, it is conceivable that war might have continubd until the nations utterly destroyed each other. Nor is this a nightmare of religious fanatics. Hardheaded military men who know the possibilities of destruc­ tion thank God for the cessation of warfare which unmistakably He has granted. Why peace? There is but one an­ swer, and that is that God' is giving the Church of Jesus Christ another— the last—chance. We must evangelize now or never. The doors of the world swing open again for a short time. Will the Church then gird itself, and enter those doors with the message of life? Or, will it settle down to its usual dillydallying, battling over non-

essentials, and criminally misusing time and opportunity? Now is the time. Now is the time to pray. Pray earnestly as if everything depended^ upon prayer. Now is the time to organize our forces, to system­ atize our finances, to lay plans for spiritual conquest. Now is the time to challenge youth for the mission field, to train them for God’s service,, to send them forth. This is the day and this is the hour. God help us to awak­ en to our all-important task—NOW! ★ ★ .The Coming World Center It was thrilling to read a recent edi­ torial in Life magazine which unwit­ tingly was prophetic to the last de­ gree. In discussing the problem con­ nected with choosing a suitable, site for the* headquarters of the United Nations Organization, the Life editor told how strenuously delegations from various American cities were compet­ ing for this honor. Then he went on to point out that there were excellent reasons why the UNO should not be quartered in any United States city but that, without a doubt, the logical place for such a world capital was Palestine, the Holy Land! He argued that such a move would settle the current Jewish-Arab strife, and would furnish an experimental station in which to practice the principles of world peace. We have been informed that *the editor of Life has a background of evangelical Christianity, as the son of missionary parents, but we doubt ,if an interest in the prophecies of the Bible prompted the suggestion of this plan. However, it happens that this is exactly what will occur^in God’s time. The great overshadowing event of the future is the personal return of the Lord Jesus Christ and the setting up of His earthly kingdom. Many prophecies attest the fact that Jerusa­ lem is indeed to be the governmental and political, as well as the geo­ graphical, c e n t e r of the world, to which one day the representatives of the nations will journey to pay hom­ age to the King of kings. It is our opinion that Jerusalem will not now be chosen by the UNO; undoubtedly a city of the United States will be selected where it will again be dem­ onstrated that it is futile to endeavor to have peace without the Prince of Peace. One day, by God’s power and wisdom, Jerusalem will become the international capital, and then only will righteousness and peace cover the earth as the waters cover the sea.

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