King's Business - 1946-01


January, 1940






In our evangelistic ef­ forts, are we making suf­ ficient use of the Biblical teaching with regard to eternal punishment?

“ Conviction that a God of holiness will deal in exact justice with sin is a deterrent to sin, crime and mur­ der. Fear of capital punishment by the' government curbs murder. R ea l­ ization of future eternal punishment for sin will curb it much more. Teach­ ing that enfeebles or destroys faith in Bible declarations of judgment and reward in the after life, robs man of the greatest incentive for correct liv­ ing. Ultimately it steals from -him any comfort of Heavenly bliss, for he will logically conclude that if Biblical teaching is not true concerning hell, neither is it true concerning Heaven. Such deductions result in a careless attitude toward suicide; It increases deaths by one’s own hand because of the erroneous idea that suicide is ‘the only way out.’ Any philoso­ phy of life which eliminates the truth of judgment and reward after death forces one to reject the direct state­ ments of Jesus Christ, for all New Testament teaching on this subject is based upon His own words. “The individual who claims to re­ gard Jesus as no more than man’s best m o r a l example and master teacher, endeavors to maintain an untenable position if he fails to ac­ cept such declarations from His lj?s

punishment for sin and reward for righteousness during life beyond the grave. This diminishing emphasis upon Bible declarations concerning the reality of Heaven a n d h e l l has been accompanied by increase of un­ belief in Scripture, lowering of moral standards, and a rising tide of divorce, suicide, l a w l e s s n e s s , crime and murder. “Teaching that weakens conviction regarding the Biblical warnings that ‘every one of us shall give account of himself to God’ (Rom. 14:12), and that ‘it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment’ (Heb. 9:27) encourages the shallow, prevalent, present-day tendency to live for the material and temporal rather than for the spiritual and eternal. Such teaching is one explana­ tion of the shattering of sacred foun­ dations of Christian culture and moral civilization. When individuals follow « it to a culmination, they usually yield to a life of self-gratification with ‘eating, drinking and making merry’ its highest attainment. Such living destroys personal moral stamina, fol­ lowed by the breakdown of home life and good constructive govern­ ment. It ever paves the way for sin­ ful living.

S OMETIME ago the Educational De­ partment of one of the country’s best known daily newspapers request­ ed that I send them in written form my opinion on a vital subject. They wanted to know whether I believed that the matter of judgment for sin after death was emphasized less than formerly in the present-day philosophy of life teaching, and to what extent it should be stressed. I complied with their request but my reply was not published. However, a writeup by a Modernist which did not. concern itself with Biblical statements and did not fairly represent the thought of orthodox, Protestant Christianity, was printed. The newspaper also ran articles by a Reformed Jewish rabbi, which evi- , denced no belief in the Scripture, and by a Roman Catholic educator, con­ taining a sad mixture of Scriptural truth and church error. These answers to this significant inquiry offered little, if any, spiritual light to either the saved or the unsaved. I believe that my response, based upon the Word of God, was right, and it is quoted herein: “Present-Oay philosophy of life has noticeably lessened, and often denied previous teaching of the certainty of

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