King's Business - 1946-01


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

“and now we shall worship Jesus to­ gether. There were about a hundred people in the new chapel, and they told me that some school boys who loved Jesus had given a gift to Him to build the chapel. Do you know anything about it?” Momol’s black eyes danced with delight. “I helped a little,” he said modestly, “but I didn’t think it would help my own father to become a Jesus person. And mother,” he added look­ ing across the hut at her happy face, “gave me- the first four eggs to start with!” “Yes, four eggs,” she said With merry twinkle in her eyes, “ and litt'c chicken in every egg!” a a

The rude little schoolroom was already filled to overflowing with offerings of pea- n u t s , c o r n, sweet potatoes,- eggs,- and many other gifts when Morhol arrived. He. p r o u d l y added his eggs, p e a n u t s , and corn to the offer, ings of the other ‘ ‘ . r e a d i n g - equals.” Wh e n sold, there was a nice sum for the chapel in the distant village. Some weeks after this, Momol came home orie day tired and hungry. In the big clay pot that gurgled on the fire in the middle of the hut was Momol’s supper. In spite of the wide banana leaves that covered the mess of greens, the tempting odor filled the hut. Momol and his mother sat down to eat. The lad was eating eagerly the mess Of greens from his wooden bowl, and the ear of corn from his leafy plate, when suddenly he heard the faint sound of a drum. “Listen!” he cried, dropping his bowl. “Is not that your drum name?” he asked his mother. Momol’s mother listened for the distant sound. "Boom! Boom-boom- boom! Boom!” She could heaT the beating of the drum distinctly now. A message was being beaten out: “I am coming home. I am hungry. Cook me a good supper!” “That’s father!” ' cried Momol joy­ fully, and jumped to his feet. His mother quickly prepared a supper for her hungry and tired husband, while Momol fidgeted around the hut in eager anticipation. “I am starved,” gasped Momol’s father coming in an hour later drip­ ping with perspiration. Momol watched him as his mother set the bowl of savory food before him, and to the boy’s great surprise, his father bowed his head before he ate! “Are you a Jesus person?” cried Momol in amazement. “You speak true words,” answered his father between big gulps of greens. “I went into a chapel about a month ago and heard about the great' God above. I was tired and stopped there to rest a while. A Jesus person told me that he once was a Mohammedan, but that he never found peace until he became a Jesus person and began to walk the Jesus road. He told me that if I would worship Jesus instead of Mohammed, I too, would find peace and happiness.” “And did you?” M o m o l could scarcely wait to hear it all. “I did, son,” his father answered,

Opening Days I want the New Year’s opening days To fill with love, and prayer, and praise. Some little things to do for Thee, For Thou hast done great things for me. I want some other soul to bring To Thee, my Saviour and my King. Thou wilt not, Lord, my prayer deny, For Thou canst all my wants supply. In Jesus’ name our prayers we raise, Whose guiding hand has blessed'our days. And may we, Lord, in godly fear Serve Thee through all this coming year. —Selected. The New Year’s Guide JDEGINNING a new year is like start­ ing on a long journey over a strange and untraveled road. Missionaries, when traveling to the stations in foreign lands, want a trust- worthy guide to go with them. Moun­ tain resorts furnish guides to take parties over strange trails. Have you ever been on such a trip with a guide? If so, you will remember how safe you felt, because you were trusting the one who knew the way. As we begin to travel the road that leads through the year, 1946, it is im­ portant that we have a Guide—One who has gone before, who will be our constant Companion, in whom we can safely trust. There is only One, boys and girls, who can qualify, and that One is the Lord Jesus Himself. Like a tender Shepherd, He leads His own all the way. "When he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them” (John 10:4). He has promised, “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee” (Heb. 13:5). Though there may be many dangers along the way, we need never be afraid with such a Guide! To have the Lord Jesus as our Guide, we must b e l i e v e on Him as our Saviour. He died on the Cross in order that He might be not only our Saviour from sin. but also our Guide all the way ■to the Heavenly Home. Choose Him now, boys and girls, as your Saviour and Guide, before you begin your 1946 journey. “Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out” (John 6:37). Martha S. Hooker

Reprinted from the book, “ New Rainbow Missionary Stories.” Used by permission of Christian Publications, Inc., Harrisburg, Pa. N ow is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation (2 Cor. 6:2). E very one that asketh receiveth (Luke 11:10). w hosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved (Rom. 10:13). Y e must be born again (John 3:7). 1 xcept ye be converted . . , -ye shall not enter into the, kingdom of heaven (Matt. 18.3). A bide in him; that when he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming (1 John 2:28). R un with patience the race that is set before us (Heb. 12:1). How to Join the K. Y. B. Club T o become a m em ber of the K n o w Your Bible Club, re-ad through the Gospel accord ­ ing to John, usin g either yo ur own Bible, or a Gospel of Jo h n .w h ich w ill be sent upo.n request. W h en the Gospel has been read and a statem ent to th is effect, signed by parent or Su n d a y School teacher, has been sent to the Editor of the Ju nior K in g ’s B usin ess, a K. Y B. C. pin w ill be m ailed. Su n d a y School classes or clubs desirin g to order ten or more Gospels or p ins m ay w ish to share the cost of these supplies, as the Lord d i­ rects: Gospels, postpaid five cents each— in quantity, three cents; pins, w ithout postage, tw o cents each. How ever, no one is to do w ithout a Gospel or pin because of lack of money. A d dre ss: Ju n io r K in g ’s Business, 558 S.. Hope St,, Lo s A ngele s 13, Calif.

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