An Interpretation of World Affairs in the Light of the Scriptures.
quently, Joseph Vitolo claimed that he “saw” the Virgin Mary for six teen consecutive nights. On the sev enteenth night, a visible miracle was expected. This tale was noised abroad and the press publicized it, with the result that 30,000 people thronged the vacant lot where the miracle was promised. Of course, nothing hap pened, and the Catholic Church dis claimed any interest in it. ♦ ^ A news item from the New York Times reports that at the Internation al Conference at work on drafting a constitution for the United Nations, a suggestion was introduced by the Panama delegation, and seconded by the delegation from Colombia, that the constitution include a recognition of the hand of God in the affairs of nations. In his reply, the United. States representative, Mr. Archibald MacLeish, denied the request with the explanation that the authors of this constitution were not merely to in corporate therein noble and beautiful thoughts, but rather to draft a docu ment that would be acceptable to all peoples of the world. ♦ ^ Recently in Baton Rouge, Louis iana, the Protestant churches and min isters were forced to give notice that they would withdraw their support from the local Community Chest un less the Roman Catholic youth or ganization ceased to be a beneficiary. It was pointed out that this organiza tion was strictly sectarian, organized and maintained for the propagation of Roman Catholic doctnne and prin ciples, and as such had no claim on public funds. Protestants in other communities should be on guard against similar situations: ♦ ^ General MacArthur has ordered that the various restraining orders on religious liberty in Japan be lifted im mediately. This means that Christian ity is now free to function without interference by the government. The Church of Christ must take advan tage of this new opportunity for the evangelization of Japan.
Cause for abundant thanks to God is the current report from the [Department of Agriculture. The pros- Ipect for 1946 is better than ever before: lmore ice cream, cheese, canned vege tables, poultry, fruit and eggs. Short ages are few, and the average citi- will get a larger supply of food- fuffs than at any time in his life. is an opportunity for our coun- y, out of gratitude, to the generous of all these gifts, to do good, if other nations may seek the cause \America’s greatness, namely the jsing of our God. ♦ , A prayer of thanksgiving written te brave General Jonathan Wain- pt, the hero of Corregidor, is print- full by Time. Like so many rs made public in our press and fhe radio, this petition is rev- well-phrased and apparently but it exhibits one irrepara- Kiciencjh In it there is no mem- | the person of Christ, nor any Ition of the value of His aton- Irk. If we read our New Testa- Icorrectly, the prayer that is mvithout reference to the way |ss to Him, which God Himself
According to the Boston Post, the present goal of the Gideons, a national organization of Christian business men, whose aim has been the distri bution of the Scriptures, is to supply 50 million school children with copies of the New Testament and the Psalms. Here is an ambition tremendously worth-while, and, if properly handled, it should, result in .the salvation and growth in grace oi great numbers of our young people. ♦ ^ A United Press survey indicates that in thirty of our largest cities, in the first ten months of this year, there were nearly half as many divorce suits as there were marriages. Judges, edu cators, and sociologists are exhibiting deep concern over these astounding figures, but attribute them mostly to the unsettled conditions growing out of the war. Whatever the cause, it does not change the fact that this is America’s most dangerous situation. ♦ ^ The trend of the radio stations during the last several years has been decidedly against the increase of re ligious broadcasting. However, there are two items which show that the prayers and the protests of Christian people have not been entirely fruit less. Station WFAA in Dallas, Texas, has allowed Rev. Sam Morris, ardent preacher and temperance advocate, to resume broadcasting. It is also re ported that station WJJD of Chicago is considering giving the Christian Business Men’s Committee a new con tract. In both of these decisions, the stations were influenced by the pe titions of Christian listeners. Your letter to your local station, thanking them for airing good religious pro grams, will help. Write today! ♦ ^ A commentary on the credulity of religious people which would be ridiculous if it were not so sad, is furnished by a recent series of in cidents in the Bronx, New York. A small Italian boy had gone to see the movie, The Song of Bernadette, portraying the typical Catholic legend with the usual “miracles.” Subse
at the cost of the death of is just so many words. We I to ponder the fact that even limself is not averse to fer- Id high-sounding prayers if |in them no reference to the Christ. ♦ lirreht news item relates the renouncement by the Protes- jscopal Church t h r o u g h fcliam Thomas Manning de- llliott Roosevelt, second son 1 President, the right to be- Itryman in the local church Irk, N. Y. The reasons for of this office were the B third marriages of Mr. vhich, along with the sub- [rorces, were not recognized Irch. We commend this ac- Bishop Manning and the IChurch for this courageous tese days of deplorable lax-
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