King's Business - 1946-01

fl January, 1946

^ R e l i g i o u s Church,Chapel,School, Jiome ‘Pictures Beautifully Lithographed in Colors Our Special Picture Bulletin — YOURS if You are Interested ©oo&enouQb & TKH oq I oiu Co. 150 N A S S A U S T R E E T N E W Y O R K 7, N . Y . I Church and Sunday School Specialties since 1S48

Ö u n , ( l e a d e M S p e a k

"The Little White Casket" “ I think The Little White Casket is a very good article against the false doctrine of Christian Science.” Bert Pelon G rand Rapids, M ich. “ I think T he Little W h ite C asket is one of the finest testimonies I ever read to help those who are wondering about the doctrine of Christian Science, or those who have been poisoned by its teaching.” Mrs. Chas. H. Johnston Corvallis, Ore. **I was very much Interested in your article by Erma' Walker, T he Little W hite Casket. I enjoy your magazine; much of the material is invaluable.” Rev. O ral A. K in tn er N iantlc, Conn. "I am Thankful" "W e do enjoy the magazine. The article by the Biola personnel on Thanksgiving was very good; I liked Mr. Friesen’s especially. M rs. R u b y R ichards Om aha, Nebr. Wedding Present “ This subscription is a gift for a wedding present. T he King’s Business is the finest Christian magazine I have ever read. ^ 1 wisn I could put it in every.young couples home as a wedding gift.” ,, . M r. and M rs. W ilb u r Bailey Alham bra,* Calif. Women's Dress “ The improvement in the magazine during the last two or three months is pleasing. Our sick friends [in sanitarium] have taken a liking to it . . . I wish you had been even more f i n i t e about women’s dress . . . it is a crying evil anywhere, and symbolic ot moral breakdown and lack of spiritual in- s ’E h t' Dr. H. T. C u rtis A ustin, Tex. The Cover “ Your magazine helps m e1very much in mv capacity as Sunday school superintend­ ent. I appreciated the November cover; what could be more in keeping, with the great field of souls so white to harvest. Edith W itherbe Kelso, W a sh. Missionary Subscription “ Enclosed find order for 6-year subscrip­ tion. The Lord willing, we are sailing from New York on Nov. 28.” C u rt and O lga Claasen Cham pa, C. P., India. Vance Havner's Articles “ I enjoy the magazine very much. Ar­ ticles by Vance Havner are always so ac­ ceptable.” ‘ * _. ... . M rs. F. O. W ood U pper D arby, Pa. 1 wish to express appreciation for the im­ provement in the magazine during the last few months, and in particular for those fine articles by Dr. H. Framer Smith, and the series of Greek Word Studies by Bernard Ramrii. The last article by Dr. Smith, “ The Initial Cosmos* of Scripture” is especially good. Ea rl P. Jordan "The Initial Cosmos" Greek Word Studies

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