January, 1946
bara where Alvin and Minnie regis tered for study at Westmont College. These two missionaries have served the Orinoco River Mission for over six years; Alvin is the pastor of the Ca- ripe village church. Jennie M. Torgerson T7 is working in connection with the Christian Vic tory Center for soldiers in Colorado Springs, Col. For a long time no word has come from her. However, in a recent letter she writes:'“Many of the servicemen in this division have been saved, and God seems to be calling them into definite service for Himself. God is still reigning, and answering the cry of His needy ones, and I do thank Him for His goodness.” It is always good to hear that Biola graduates have retained the vision of service for the Lordo Biola Reunion in Spokane An informal gathering of former Biola students was held on the eve ning of November 9 in the social hall of the Hillyard Baptist Church in Spokane, Wash. Most of the students are continuing their studies at Whit worth College, Spokane. In attendance were: Ruth Jantzen ’44, Eldora Kinkead ’45, Margaret In- galsbe, Gladys Wessel, Elden Unrech ’45, Velma and Dayton Cundiff ’45, Vi ola ’45 and James Halbert ’44, Mr. and Mrs. John Duval ’43, Mr. and Mrs. Ar nold Wall (Dorothy Schmidt ’44), Mr. and Mrs. John B. Jantzen ’36, Mr. and Mrs. John Bergen ’45, and Clate A. Risley ’40. Ever With the Lord Charles Frederick Schram, beloved husband of Elizabeth Shipcott E. S. ’28, was called into the presence of the Lord October 6, 1945. Although Mr. Schram had been in failing health for several years, his final illness last ed but a few minutes. Mrs. Schram’s youngest son, Lt. Harry Shipcott ’28, recently lost his life as a result of enemy action in the Pacific area. Through these bereave ments the Lord has graciously sus tained this wife and mother with the sure knowledge that for these two loved ones to be absent from the body is for them to be present with the Lord. Mrs. Margaret Ferron, beloved mother of Mrs, Eric Horn (Syvilla Fer ron ’25), departed to be with Christ November 8, 1945, in Los Angeles. Mrs. Ferron was devoted to Biola, and after the departure of her daughter for Addis Ababa where the latter and her husband, Eric Horn ’25, served un der the Sudan Interior Mission for a number of years until the Italians took possesion of Ethiopia, attended the Biola Alumni meetings and en joyed the fellowship of her daugh ter’s classmates. Mr. and Mrs. Horn
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have been stationed in the headquar^ ters office of the Mission in London for several years. Mrs. Horn and her young son, Bobby, came from Eng land to be with Mrs. Ferron in her last illness. Unfortunately they ar rived too late to see her alive. May the comfort of the Lord be theirs. Born To Edward H. ’40 and Mrs. Aren- sen (Esther Digerness ’40) a son, Jonathan Edward, Nov. 2, in Yakima, Wash. To Lawrence ’39 and Mrs. Powell (Meta Schroeder ’39) a daughter, Bon nie Eae, Nov. 14, in Los Angeles, Calif. To Nick ’39 and Mrs. Neufeld (Mar garet Cloake ’39) a son, Gerald Cur tis, Oct. 10, in Richmond, Calif. To Walter and Mrs. Jesperson (Helen Cope ’35) a daughter, Margaret Anne, Sept. 25, at Stony Plain, Alberta, Can ada.
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