January; 1946
LE S SON F O R F E B R U A R Y 17 The Responsibility of a Great Heritage L E S S O N M A T E R IA L : Deut. 4:1, 32-40. G O L D E N T E X T : “ He hath m ade his w on. derful w o rks to be rem em bered” (Psa. 111:4). Outline and Exposition I. T he C all for O bedience (Deut. 4:1) The wilderness journeys were over and Israel was about to enter the Promised Land. However, before enter ing it, the nation was instructed in the method of enjoying it: by obedi ence to the statutes of the Lord. They were to hearken to these laws in order that they might do them. Nothing short of complete obedience would suffice to bring them satisfaction in the land, prosperity for their children, and deliverance from their enemies. The heritage was freely given; the enjoyment of it was up to them. II. T he R easons for O bedience (Deut. 4:32-38) Because of the Lord’s choice (32-35). Israel was unique among the nations of the world. Never before had a peo ple been so favored; God had revealed Himself to them. Taking them? out from another nation, He made known His power in trials, signs, wonders, and wars. He acted with a mighty hand and a stretched-out arm. All of this was done that they might know "that the Lord he is God; there is none beside him.” Israel was thus chosen by sovereign grace that the world might see that their Lord was the supreme God. Because of the Lord’s instruction (v. 36). Out of Heaven, and even upon earth, He had caused them to hear His voice. His instruction was to walk in holiness of life. The knowledge of God’s will, and the possession of His commandments, statutes, and judg ments, were granted that they might be obedient, and thus magnify Him in the sight of all other peoples. | Because of the Lord’s love (vs. 37, 38). He had »chosen them, brought them out of Egypt, driven out the nations before them, and settled them in the land, because He loved their fathers. Their responsibility in this great heritage was to gain the Lord’s love for themselves, as well as for the sake of their fathers, by their obedi ence. III. T he P romise for O bedience (Deut. 4 :3 9 ,4 0 ) Israel was to “consider it in [or, lay it to, R. V.] thine heart, that the Lord he- is God in heaven above, and upon •the earth beneath: there is none else.” With the heart firmly established with
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