T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
this truth, obedience would follow as a natural consequence, instead of be ing the result of outward pressure. The result of their obedience would be that it would "go well with thee, and with thy children after thee,” and they would have length of days In their land. They had the land freely given them, they had only to obey their God to have permanent pros perity and satisfaction in it. Their heritage came to them by the grace of God because He loved their fathers; their enjoyment of it depended upon them. Points and Problems 1. "Now therefore hearken. . . that ye may live" (Deut. 4:1). A whole generation of Israelites f a i l e d to hearken unto the voice of the Lord and died in the wilderness. They never entered the Promised Land. Although redeemed from bondage in Egypt, they did not receive the blessing they could have received, if they had only trusted and obeyed the Lord. While these words were spoken directly to Israel, there is a solemn lesson in them for believers in any age. It is possible to be a redeemed people, and yet a disobedient Reople, who in one way or another must come under the chas tening hand of God. In some instances, He even permits death to come (1 Cor. 11:30). Consider also the cases of Achan (Josh. 7) and Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5). Life in its fullest enjoyment comes only through heark ening unto the will of the Lord. To hearken means not only to hear, but also to do. (Cf. Jas. 1:22-25.) 2. "For ask now of the days that are past" (Deut. 4:32). There is real profit in remembering the past, if such re flection centers upon the goodness and grace of the Lord. That is the kind of looking b a c k enjoined in the verses under consideration. Too infre quently do the children of God engage in such deliberation. On the other hand, Paul exhorts believers: “for getting those things which are be hind . . . press toward the mark” (Phil. 3:13, 14). But in this instance, the apostle is recalling his4>wn past, with its sins and failures. It does no good to be continually meditating upon these things. But remembrance of the Lord in all His ways and works sanctifies the soul. 3. "To drive out nations from before thee. . . to bring thee in, to give thee their land" (Deut. 4:38). Here is a threefold suggestion as to what God performs on behalf of His people: (1) He overcomes their enemies, including Satan, death and judgment; (2) He provides them with a new position “in Christ Jesus” ; (3) He enriches them with “an inheritance, incorrupti ble and undefiled, and that fadeth not away” (1 Pet. 1:4).
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