King's Business - 1946-01

January, 1948


A V A L U A B L E G I F T "PROPHECY" FREE—Full set of 165 choicest Bible verses—separate tickets— scientific arrangement for mem­ orizing. ■ ~:“PROPHECY” is the monthly handbook of vital information and Bible study issued by Ameri­ can Prophetic League, Inc., edit­ ed by Dr. Keith L. Brooks with a competent research staff. Clip this advertisement. Free sample of PROPHECY if desired. Address PROPHECY, Box BB, Sta. Eagle Rock, Los Angeles 41, Calif. HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME-IN SHORTEST POSSIBLE TIME Coarse prepares you for College Entrance, Professional Schools, andpersonal advancement.Diploma awarded.Why be handicapped all your life when you can become a High School Graduate with so little effort? WriteforFreeProspectus. SeewhatHighSehool Training didfor so manyofourgraduates—whatit can dofor YOU. ACADEMY FORADULTS,DeptK30W.Washington, Chicago2 The Spirit of Genuine Helpfulness I . , Y o u ’ll find It everyw here at R alph’s . . . from the grinning, frie nd ly box boys . . . to the congenial, efficient m anagers who take a sincere .interest in yo ur welfare. W e extend a w arm Invitation to you to shop w here E V E R Y O N E S IN C E R E L Y W A N T S to please you . . . at

For the Children R emembering W hat G od H as D one D euteronomy 4:9, 10; J oshua 24:26, 27 MEMORY VERSE: “He hath made his wonderful works to be remem­ bered” (Psa. 111:4), APPROACH: For forty years, the Children of Israel had to wander in the wilderness because they refused to trust God to bring them into the new land which Re had promised to give them. The time came at last for them to enter the new country. How happy they must have been to know that their journey was almost finished! LESSON STORY: Before the Children of Israel crossed the river Jordan and entered into the Promised Land, their leader, Moses, called them together and reminded them of all that God had done for them since they had left the land of Egypt. He asked them to remember, too, the commandments which God had given them. He warned them not to forget to teach them to their children and to their children’s children. After the death of Moses, God chose Joshua to lead the Children of Israel into the new land. When their en­ emies had been conquered, and the people were settled in the part of the land which belonged to them, Joshua called them together one day to re­ mind them of the laws which God had given them on their long journey, i Wheh Joshua had finished speaking, ; the people said, -“The Lord our God ; will we serve and his voice will we I obey” .(Josh. 24:24). “Joshua wrote | these words in the book of the law of God, and took a' great stone, and set it up there under an oak that was by the sanctuary [house] of the Lord” (Josh. 24:26). Joshua told the people that this stone would always be there to remind the Children of Israel of their promise to serve and obey only God. One of the best known preachers in the United States owns a lovely jewel box in which he has placed some strange keepsakes—several ordinary matches. He has kept these since he was a small boy when he made his living selling matches. They remind him that he used to be a poor boy, and they keep him from becoming proud and forgetful of what the Lord Jesus Christ has done for him. Let us each ask God to help us to remember always what the Saviour has done for us. Telling others about Him is one of the best ways to keep from forgetting His love and care for us. We should often talk to our school­ mates and our loved ones about Him.

No Coloring! No Mounting! Flannelgraph Stories Complete—Ready to Use Cut-outs in color with flannelized hacking*

$1.00 Series — Four Titles The Shepherd Psalm. The First

CHRISTIAN PUBLICATIONS, INC. 1507 N. T h ird St., H a rrisb u rg, Pa.

WHERE P R A Y E R PREVAILS Train for needed Christian service at this growing Bible School—“ built with prayer.” The good climate and mountain scenery of the famed Co­ lumbia River are an added inspiration. Accredited courses. FREE tuition, strong faculty, devoted student body. Ask for catalog. Interesting Monthly Sent Free for a Year to All Inquirers.

. . . the LAST WORD Jn substantial, convenient folding organs. Marvelous volume, resonance and purity'Of tone. Tropically treated. Famous over the world for 35 years. Write for free catalog. ‘ A. L WHITE MFG. CO«

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B I B L E Willard M. Aldrich, Th.D., Pres. B. B. Sutcliffe, D.D., John G. Mitchell, D.D. Chairman of Trustee Board Vice-President 703 N .E. M u ltnom ah St., Portland 12, Oregon GOSPEL SOUND FILMS | (16mm m otion Dictures w ith iound ) Scripture visualized films are helping pastors and evangelists attain a more effective ministry. They can do the same for you. What the Films Are Doing— genuine revivals; leading children, young people and adults to the Lord Jesus Christ; increasing inter- est and attendance in church and Sunday scnooi. Free Preview Service— fctpt™ Visualized film but have access to a 16mm. sound projector, you may easily see one. Write us about our convenient preview service. Projection Equipment— ¿ “ oSpro- jector and screen most suitable for your needs, at reasonable prices. Write us for particulars. C. O. BAPTISTA FILMS 325 W . H uron St. C hicago 10, lit.

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catalog. Address Dr. Walter L. Wilson, Pres. KANSAS CITY BIBLE COLLEGE r. 0.In 7*35ip«|rt.c,Iw » Bt, 1J.I.

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