King's Business - 1946-01


TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

Israel’s danger was that God should be forgotten in the midst of prosper­ ity. How could the nation forget its beginning in slavery from which there was no hope of escape? To fail to re­ member God’s miraculous deliverance would quickly turn her aside from her God and lead to her overthrow and defeat by enemies. Prosperity often raises a people in their own estimation to the place where they believe that it is their own, power or wisdom, rather than the goodness of God, that secures their blessings. As Israel of old became in­ flated with a sense of her own great­ ness, and forgot God, so our own country is in grave danger of the same disaster. Hence, a knowledge of the person of God, obedience to His Word, and remembrance of His goodness, are the foundations of national greatness. Points and Problems 1. “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord" (Deut. 6:4). These words have been called the doctrinal center of the Old Testament. This claim is not too great, for three reasons: (1) This assertion emphasizes the redemp­ tive name of God, “ Jehovah,” which apears twice. The entire Old Testa­ ment, as well as all of the New Testa­ ment, is but the revelation of Him who is the Redeemer of lost men. (2) This statement repudiates idolatry, but ad­ mits the Trinity. The word “ one” used here carries with it the idea of unity in plurality as, for instance, an army which, though a unit, is composed of many parts; or the marriage relation­ ship, in which two persons are “ one flesh.” Thus God is “one,” while three persons compose the Godhead. And (3) the verse presents God as a per­ sonal being, One who may be per­ sonally known. He is “our God,” not “the God,” or “a God.” 2. "And these words . . . shall be in thine heart" (Deut. 6:6). The word “heart,” as commonly used in the Old Testament, represents the whole man. It refers not only to the affections but also to the mind, the will and the attitude. The Word of God must con­ trol man’s whole being. It is not enough that one should know the Word intellectually; he should know it practically. Men should be “doers of the Word and not hearers only” (Jas. 1:22). 3. "And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children" (Deut. 6:7). Every one who starts a home should see to it that the Word of God is instilled in the heart of each mem­ ber. Many parents impart the Word of God to the children in a limited way. Few teach it diligently; there is a lack of care and persistence in this important ministry.

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LESSON FOR FEBRUARY 24 Home Foundations for National Greatness L E S S O N M A T E R IA L : Deut. 6:4-12. G O L D E N T E X T : “ E v e ry day will I bless thee; and I will praise thy nam e for ever and e ve r" (Psa, 145:21). Outline and Exposition I. T he F irst F oundation (Deut. 6:4, 5) The recognition of God is the basic stone in the foundation of all true na­ tional greatness. Although He is one God, plurality of persons is suggested in this passage: Israel’s God Is one- in-three unity with plurality. That He is a personal God is re­ vealed by His desire to be loved. One may entertain sentiment for a place, a thing, or even an animal, but only a real person calls forth affection. The God of Israel required to be loved with all the heart, all the soul, and all the might. God was aware that, without such love as the motive, the desires and deeds of His children would be wrong. H. T he S econd F oundation (Deut. 6:6-9) The acceptance of and obedience to the Word of God is the second stone in the foundation of national great­ ness. God’s Word must be in the heart, not merely upon a printed page; it must be taught to the children; it should be a daily topic of conversation in the home. Thus it will influence the purposes of life, control the actions, and influence the thinking. To bind upon the hand the law of the Lord signified that industry should be thereby governed. Whatever the work, in business, in the home, or in the school, it was to be performed ac­ cording to the Word of God. To place the law between the eyes indicated that the intellectual life too must be in submission to God’s revelation. It would be well for any nation if the thinking of its philosophers, scientists, and preachers, was controlled by the Word of God. Placing the law upon the doors denoted that domestic prob­ lems were to be solved in accordance with God’s will. Upon the gates, the law safeguarded the social life of the people. Experimentation with panaceas, in­ volvement in a maze of ideologies and entanglement in wars follow depart­ ure from the Word of God. m T he T hird F oundation (Deut. 6:10-12) Constant remembrance of the grace of God forms the, third stone in the foundation of n a t i o n a l greatness.

For information regarding the Torrey Memorial Conference turn to Page 14.

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