January, 1946
4. "Which thou buildedst n o t... f i l l e d s t n o t . . . diggedst not . . . plantedst not" (Deut. 6:10, 11). Be hold in all of these things the match less grace of God! How much Israel was to enjoy of that which she had no part in providing! Too much em phasis cannot be placed upon the goodness and grace of God in de veloping a proper home life. In every home it ought to be easy to talk about- the things of God. -Christ deserves to be the Head of every home. MEMORY VERSE: “O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good” (Psa. 136:1). APPROACH: Have you ever been so happy about a prayer that God has answered for you that you have said that you would never forget what He did for you? After.a few months, you may have thought occasionally of His goodness. But do you still remem ber to thank Him for His care? Be cause Joshua was afraid that the Chil dren of Israel would forget the mir acles that God had performed as He led them from the land of Egypt to a land of their own, he called them together and warned them not to for get God’s loving care. LESSON STORY: Joshua said to the Children of Israel, ‘‘Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord; And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might” (Deut. 6:4, 5). All of the words which God had com manded them they were to keep in their hearts, teach to their children,- and write upon their doorposts and gates. Later on, some of the Children of Israel made a band upon which they wrote some of the command ments. This band was tied around the head or onto the arm. Others strapped upon their arms or foreheads small cases holding c o p i e s of the commandments. How h a p p-y God’s people must have been as they talked together in their homes, and with their friends, of God’s goodness to them! Do you have a time in your home each day when your family reads God’s Word together and talks about His blessings to you? Do you pray together, thanking God for the Lord Jesus and for every blessing that you have as a Christian? Do you hide in your heart verses from God’s Word, so that they will always be with you? If we love God with all the heart, soul, and might, we cannot help talk ing about Him to members of our family and our friends. A s'w e tell others about our wonderful Saviour, they will want to know Him too. For the Children I n A H appy H ome D euteronomy 6:4-9
Cries From War Torn Europe We are receiving: heart breaking letters from our Missionaries in Europe. They are pleading with us to send them financial help immediately. Missionaries from Poland write the following:
“ As we write this letter to you, our eyes are filled with tears because .we are now in dire need. We plead with you and other Christian friends to help us; Do not turn us dow n! All that we had was destroyed during the war, and now we are left without shoes, clothing and food.” A Christian Mother in Russia paid the price of two 'cow s for one Russian Bible, so that her son could have a Bible before the Nazis deported him to Germany. Other pleas are coming from Belgium, France, Sweden, Iran, 1 China, and South America. The doors are opening, and great opportunities, lie before us. We must invade these fields with the gospel, as soon as the Lord provides the means. We must continue to support the Russian Bible Institutes in Toronto, Canada and in Argentina, South America.
Money^ can now be sent direct to Soviet Russia for Missionary work. Cries for New Testaments, and gospel literature are con stantly coming to us from all these fields. A Russian Mission Home is greatly needed in Chicago.. Will you pray for these urgent needs, and if the Holy Spirit is speaking to you, send your gifts and make checks payable to the i RUSSIAN GOSPEL ASSOCIATION, INC. Peter Deyneka, General D irector 64 W e st Randolph Street, Dept. K B , Chicago, 1, Illinois Order new book , “ TWICE BORN RUSSI ANl i f e story of Peter Deyneka. 131 pages , cloth bound, $1.25, paper cover, 75c. Illustrated R u ssia n Gospel N ew s Sent Free on Request Peter D eyneka
Wants to establish a Saturday night meeting in 1500 communities this year—your community. Will recommend speakers, musical talent, etc. Can provide news bulletins and YFC magazines at a reasonable rate. Write for FREE literature to: Torrey M. Johnson, President 130 No. Wells St. Chicago 6, Illinois Dept. K-l Y0ÜIH e f .O R ^ liliiii:iiniii!iiiiiiiiii!iilililllll!lllll!lill B E H IN D T H E D IC T A T O R S By L. H. Lehmann A fully documented analysis of Vatican-Fascist col- Read laboration. This Cloth Binding $1.75 Paper-covered$1.00 “ CRUX ANSATA— An indictment of the Roman Catholic Church” by H. G. Wells. Also , An historical summary of the Catholic Church’s po- y litical intrigues leading to its tie-up with the Nazi- copy of Fascist-Shinto Axis. Cloth Binding $1.75 Paper-covered $1.25 COMBINATION Both Cloth Bound B o o k s ...................„...................$3.00 OFFERS Both Paper Bound Books........................................$2.00 N ew Pamphlet “VATICAN POLICY IN THE SECOND WORLD W A R ”
48 pages of Documented Facts......................................................................... 25c m r F fee to those who return this ad with their order for the above books Order r-rjm : AGORA PUBLISHING CO., DEPT. D 35 229 W EST 48TH STREET N £W YO R K 19, N. Y llllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllilllllltlllllllllllllllllUllllllUlllUllililHHlllllllliililuiiiiiliiUlililiuiiiiiliiuiHiiiliiiaiRiiiiiiUiiuiiNHiiiiiiHiiuiini.iiiimiUiiiimiiiimuunnimummnHuuuiiruMni.nMi
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