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In this publication many acknowledged “Captains of Leaders in the Church” will discuss with you the prob lems ahead. The men that make up our staff, our associate Editors, and regular contributors, are leaders in the field of conservative religious thought. They aré men of conviction with a holy passion for the glory of God and the souls of men. They are men of prayer and o f: action, marching undér the Banner of the Cross, that the Cross of Christ may pre vail over the Swastika and over the Hammer and Sickle. Appreciations FROM A NATIONALLY KNOWN EVANGELIST “ I have read with joy and profit the recent issues of The Religious Digest. It is a large cup and filled to the brim with good things.” FROM A HOUSEWIFE . . . “ I think it is one of the finest magazines I have ever read —so full of many good articles.”
E have had the war of guns and bombs; of ruined cities; of wholesale destruction of man and beast and materials. But there is still gloom in the heart of man.
BECAUSE A GREATER WAR HAS JUST BEGUN. It is the war of ideas. ,And not even an atomic bomb can kill or destroy an idea. There are in the world ideologies which divide and clash and which augur a foreboding of gloom. There STILL is the Swastika. There is the Hammer and Sickle. AND THEN THERE IS THE CROSS OF CHRIST. Which will prevail? THE CHURCH OF CHRIST HAS NEVER BEEN CONFRONTED W ITH A CHALLENGE OF SUCH MAGNITUDE AS IT IS TODAY . The Religious Digest is aware of the fact that in the difficult days ahead you are in quest of wisdom and guidance. t The men who guide The Religious Digest will give you a basis for clear thinking. Special Offer . . . TO NEW AND OLD SUBSCRIBERS BOTH We offer a NEW $1.50 book, which is one of the finest books we ever published, and by one of our greatest authors, with ONE YEAR subscription for the price of only $3.50. ACT NOW! Here'?<,?on“ Value $3.50 The book is “ A GARLAND OF GLADNESS,” De- votional Studies in the BEATITUDES, by that Prince of Commentators, Dr. Alexander Madaren, with a jacket in three colors by our Staff Artist, and one of the most beautiful jackets we ever put on a book.
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The material between the covers is essentially as it appeared from the pen of the scholarly and deep ly spiritual Dr. Alexander Mac- laren. From those pages you will receive inspiration and instruction on one of the most beautiful chap ters in the Bible. THE RELIGIOUS DIGEST
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