King's Business - 1946-01

January, 1940


To ossist leaders of Christian Endeavor. Epworth League, B.Y.P.UU and all interested in Youth Work


enters the heart, there is an entirely different basis for fellowship. Desires which had been for money are di- diverted to the Master;- aspirations for social position are laid aside for a position in Christ. Thus the wall of opposition is broken down so that the millionaire and the peasant may sit side by side at the Lord’s table in happy communion and sweet fellow­ ship. 3. IN CHRIST THERE ARE NO NATIONAL DIFFERENCES (John 17:21). Two nations of the same race speak­ ing the same language may be de­ cidedly separated from each other. This is the case of England and the United States. National pride separ­ ates. National aspirations maintain division. Each nation seeks its own power and position in the world. This partition is broken down when the Lord Jesus Christ becomes the Sov­ ereign of the soul. This Spirit unites hearts and breaks down every barrier. The Christian American loves to have fellowship with and to serve the Chris­ tian Englishman or the Christian Canadian. 4. IN CHRIST THERE ARE NO PERSONAL DIFFERENCES (1 Cor. 1 : 10 ). Only a miraculous power outside of themselves can unite Christians of diverse minds, likes, dislikes, atti­ tudes and personalities. Each person has his own ideas. Each has some plan in his mind, and there are di­ vergent desires. Since these often do not coincide, there is a division of opinion as to the course to be pur­ sued. When Christ dwells in the heart by faith, when He is the Lord on the heart’s throne, the differences are minimized and the Spirit of God is permitted to bring about a union of thought and purpose. No other power can subdue human hearts and minds and bring them into happy fellow­ ship. Christ and the Spirit do this in a beautiful manner.

FEBRUARY 10, 1946 THE WH ITE RACE AS SEEN BY OTHER RACES (Rom. 15:1-7). TT IS quite evident that each race has its own distinct characteristics. Each race thinks and acts differently. Their customs are diverse; their tra­ ditions are not alike. But God’s rem­ edy in the Lord Jesus is the same remedy for all. He has stated in His Word, “There is no difference: for all have sinned . . .” (Rom. 3:23). Sin is the same in every race and in every individual. The same salvation is offered to all without regard to color. We should look at all people as being subject to God’s wrath if they are still in their sins, and as being offered God’s grace through Christ. For Those Who Have Topics 1. GOD’S GIFT IS FOR ALL (John 3:16). We may rejoice in that wherever we go the same message suits all to whom we speak. When those of any nation accept Christ, at once they become lovers and friends of believers in every other nation, no matter what the color or the language. It is in­ teresting to note that the Lord Jesus transforms the life of the black man or the yellow or the red or the White so that all who receive Him begin to live a new and lovely life. God has provided one Saviour, one gift, for all peoples. 2. GOD’S WORD DIVIDES THE . PEOPLE (1 Cor. 10:32). In this passage we find God’s divi­ sions of humanity. The Jew repre­ sents the indestructible chosen nation, the ancient people of Israel. The Church of God represents all believers oF every kind and color in the world. The Gentiles include all unsaved peo­ ple of the five races throughout the world. Notice also the distinction made in 1 John 5:19: the world is

HPHERE IS much truth in the old ± adage, “Birds of a feather flock together.” It is not because the feath­ ers are alike but because the natures of the birds are identical. Dogs love dogs, whatever the breed; horses are fond of horses, no matter what kind; cows appreciate cows with- out regard to their pedigree. This is true of Christians, All true believers have in them the same blessed eter­ nal life which is God’s gift through Jesus Christ. This is the reason there may be an unbounded Christian fel­ lowship without strife or division. For Those Who Have Topics 1. IN CHRIST THERE ARE NO RA- CIAL DIFFERENCES (Col. 3:11; Gal. 3:28). Races differ because their environ­ ment, training, and traditions are dissimilar. Their natures are not the same. Through the centuries, each race has acquired certain habits of life and characteristics which are deeply rooted in the soul. For this reason, all members of one race un­ derstand and appreciate each other. When any one of that group accepts Christ Jesus, he receives a new na­ ture which supersedes the old nature, breaks down traditions, removes prej­ udices, and unites his heart with all other believers. This fellowship loves those of other races who, too, have accepted Christ. 2. IN CHRIST THERE ARE NO CLASS DIFFERENCES (Prov. 22:2). In our social arrangement, the rich do not mingle with the poor and the poor do not seek the company of the rich. Pride and shame are not twins that live together. The rich are proud of their possessions and positions and the poor are ashamed of th^ir lowly condition. Each group lives to itself and in its own way. But when Christ

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