THE "BY FAITH" MEN OF GENESIS AND EXODUS, by Alma H. Bailey, This is material which the teacher of children from 6-12 years old will find interesting and valuable. A revision of the former Volume I of the “Step by Step” series, the teaching manual contains eighteen lessons dealing with the doctrines and leading, characters of the first two books of the. Bible. Salvation is stressed. In addition to the Bible story for each chapter, there are suggestions for songs and prayers. Supplying a bird’s-eye-view of the Bible, there are four attractive posters with colored removable cutout figures. These posters set forth the Race, the Nation, and the Church. Child Evan gelism Fellowship, 404 Junipher Bldg., Santa Monica, Calif. Manual 60 cents. Poster set $1.00. ARNOLD'S COMMENTARY FOR 1946, edited by Benjamin L. Olmstead, A. M., B, D., Litt, D. To the experienced Sunday school teacher this annual publication needs no introduction, or recommendation: for fifty-one years it has been a “must” volume on the study tables of thousands of teachers who believe in thorough preparation for the presentation of God’s Word through the International ■ Sunday School Lessons. There are explanatory notes, a comprehensive discussion of each lesson, applications and illustra tions, teaching plans for all depart ments from the Primary up, questions, editorials and a Bible dictionary. Light and Life Press, Winona Lake, Indiana. Board. Price $1.25. ILLUSTRATED OBJECT LESSONS, by W. T. McLean. A series of twenty-one simple object lessons, using such familiar objects as a broom, a candle, a piece of string, or a teapot. Outline style with profuse Scriptural refer ences. Not much new material in this booklet, but some helpful restate ments in simple terms which should be useful in teaching children. 48 pages. Zondervan Pub. Co. Paper. No price stated.
MIRACLES OF SCIENCE, by Arthur I. Brown, M. D., F. R. C. S. This 287-page book contains 39 chapters dealing with the facts and mysteries of natural theology. Dr. Brown delivered these messages over a Pacific Coast network of radio stations under the title of “Miracles of Science.” These chapters are full of bits of wisdom, and interest ing and little-known facts concern ing God’s creatures, and they consist ently exalt the One who created these things after the pattern of His own will. This volume presents an ap proach to the hearts and minds of men which has never been used to its full extent. God has- written His truth into all of His works, and there is a tremendous appeal, particularly to young people, in an examination of these truths of nature. This book will build up the Christian worker’s fund of knowledge; Fundamental Truth Pub. Box 388, Findlay, Ohio. Cloth. Price $ 2 . 00 . THE BLUE ROBE, by Sara Elizabeth Gosselink. A rather fanciful tale of Mary Magdalene who, though rich, is demon possessed. A meeting with the Teacher of Galilee cures her illness and changes her life. The reviewer questions the wisdom of surrounding Bible characters with pure fiction. 89 pages. Eerdmans Pub. Co. Cloth. Price $ 1 . 00 . POINTS FOR EMPHASIS, by Hight C. Moore, D. D„ Litt. D. The 1946 edi tion of the handy, vest-pocket com mentary on the International Sunday School lessons; 192 pages of helpful suggestions for Sunday school class preparation. The Broadman Press. Cloth. Price 40 cents. IF CHRIST HAD NOT COME, by Jar- rette Aycock. A series of evangelistic messages, the title of the book being the first one. Others include “The Home Over There,” “The Value of Souls,” “What Think You of Christ?” These are popular messages, evi dently intended for evangelistic use. 131 pages. Published by Zondervan Pub. Co. Cloth. Price $1.25.
BEHIND THE RANGES, by Mrs. How ard Taylor. Another stirring story of the life and work of a young mission ary, James O. Fraser, in a rather re mote part of China. The narrative takes the reader through the trials and triumphs of one of God's own. This volume is well written and an excellent one to place in the hands of young people. The crowning achieve ment of Mr. Fraser’s life was the translation of the New Testament into the Lisu tongue. 255 pages. China Inland Mission. Cloth. Price $2.00. THE L E A T H E R N E C K S COME THROUGH, by Chaplain W. Wyeth Willard. A very thrilling account of the experiences of a godly- chaplain in the hell of Guadalcanal and Tara wa. This book breathes the life of a man who truly. knew God, and who was not afraid to preach to the men under his influence the precious blood of Christ as the only remedy for sin. Of the many accounts of their experi ences written by chaplains in this re cent war, this is one of the best. Fleming Revell. Cloth. Price $2.50. THE MAN GOD USES, by Oswald J. Smith. The sixth edition of this book of messages, dealing with the sur rendered life. Dr. Smith is the ener getic and well-beloved pastor of the widely-known P e o p l e s Church of Toronto, Canada, and an author of in ternational repute.' This volume is very readable. It takes up subjects on which there is great need for clarifi cation today. 116 pages. Peoples Press, Toronto, Cloth. Price $1.00. A GARLAND OF GLADNESS, by Alex ander MacLaren, D. D. A recent reprint of sermons preached by the scholarly and deeply spiritual Scotch preacher of the last century. These messages deal with a practical application of the Beatitudes from the lips of our Lord. Dr. MacLaren is widely known for his monumental work, “Exposition of the Holy Scriptures.’’ 132 pages. Eerdmans Pub. Co. Cloth. Price $1.50.
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