King's Business - 1946-01

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


O A V C By Great U A 0 Soul Winners ‘ ‘Acts** by Dr. H. A. Ironside, over 650 pp, Paper covers, only $2; cloth binding, $3. Ask for big FREE catalog of “ best in Christian Literature,” also information on this 30-year faith work, serving Armed Forces and others. Outstanding Christian Bookstore on the West Coast. Service Prompt. Satisfaction assured. Write today. WESTERN BOOK & TRACT CO.f Inc. Dr. H. A. Ironside, Pres. Dept. KB. 1719 Franklin- St., Oakland 12 Calif.

Greek Word Treasures For the Student Untaught in Greek By Bernard Ramm, À.B., B.D. Some Greek New Testament words were never found in any other works of antiquity until recently in the sig­ nificant papyri discoveries. The fol­ lowing are some examples: The word “rain” (Matt. 7:25,27) re­ ferred to the flooding of the Nile wherein, of course, houses by the doz­ ens were swept away. The term “joint heir” (Rom. 8:17) was used in Roman legal documents of the day, and had reference to division of an inheritance. Paul’s expression, “fair shew in the flesh” (Gal. 6:12), originally meant the healthy condition of a patient, in the eyes of a doctor. Later it carried the thought: “To appear pleasing in thé eyes of society.” Certainly much of our modern day religion- is striving to do this rather than to please God. In Acts 17:18, Paul is called “a setter forth of strange gods.” "This word de­ noted the heralds or broadcasters of the athletic contests. We might mod­ ernize it by calling it a “Public Ad­ dress System.” At least we can vis­ ualize the bold, public, straightforward way in which Paul preached. Perhaps we have locked up the Gospel IN our churches where the crowds are not. This word certainly indicates that to a certain extent Paul was a “street preacher.” The word “script” (Matt. 10:8) has taken on a new meaning. Formerly it was thought to refer simply to a man’s luggage or suitcase. But the papyri discoveries reveal that the word was “pera” meaning a beggar’s collecting bag, used by the vast horde of ancient, mendicant priests. Christ was not sending His servants out as professional beggars, or as greedy alms-begging priests, but rather as heralds of redemption who deserved not a few paltry alms but genuine, substantial hospitality. In Matthew 6:2 occurs the expres­ sion, “They have their reward.” The word translated “have” has puzzled interpreters. Now we know that it means “to receive a receipt,” that is, to be fully, and legally paid, with nothing more coming. In other words, there is no eternal reward awaiting those who here and now accept the plaudits of the, crowd for their reli­ gious showmanship.

THROUGH THE BIBLE STUDY Genesis to Revelation, Chapter by Chapter.

Dr. Harlin J. Boper, Pastor Scofield Memorial. Church For Sunday Schools, Bible Classes,'Young People’s and Missionary Societies, Vaca­ tion Bible Schools, Prayer Meetings, and Home Study-. Samples 15c; 4 grades 50c; Complete set $2.40 THE BIBLE STUDY Dallas 1, Texas

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