CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS 5 cents per word— minimum $1.00 NEW EFFECTIVE TRACTS FREE IN any quantity for distribution to the un saved: “What Have YOU Done With CHRIST?” “ The Most Important Question of Today,” “ Judge or Saviour,” “ The Res urrected Body,” “ Prepare NOW for the GREATEST EVENT in the WORLD’S HISTORY.” Address Neal E. Huff, 611 S. Broadway, Pittsburg, Kansas. CORRECT AND SINGABLE MUSIC SET- ting for your hymn-poem assures editorial consideration. Music composed, arranged, edited and printed. New books. Poetic Metre—Explained, 25c. Est. 1918, Raymond Iden (KB) Mount 'Vernon, Ohio. BE AN AUTHOR. FREE COURSE TO born-again persons, who want to write news stories, articles, etc., for the glory of God. Order 20-lesson course today without obli gation. It is free, but we would appreci ate 50 cents to help defray cost of adver tising, mailing, etc. Then after you have benefited from course, you may. send us a small offering if you wish. We are Chris tians at this school and want every funda mental church to have a chance to train one or more persons in journalism. Many pastors, church workers, etc., are among our students. Order your course today. Pa cific School of Journalism, P. O. Box 482, Bellflower, Calif. DO YOU HAVE A CALL TO PREACH? We will gladly help yoting men find a field. Evangelistic or pastorate. Address: Rural America Evangelization Fellowship, 3405 S.E. 9th Ave., Portland 2, Ore. THE WILSON INDEX SYSTEM OF FIL- ing and indexing. Designed for needs of clergymen and other Biblical students. Cir culars upon request. Wilson Index Com pany, East Haddam, Conn. EARN $ $ $ . . . at home! Definite Chris tian service. Particulars free. Write Rev. Wm. Swaan, Dept. K.B. 2806 W. 23rd Ave., Vancouver, B. C. THE . MOST UNUSUAL S A L V A T I O N Tract you ever saw. Fundamental, effective. Try 100, 25 cents. Tracts Mission, 119 Occi dental, Seattle, Wash.
i t a M e m o r i a l with SPIRITUAL significance” That is the expressed demand of church people. To fill this need we offer three large beautifully framed pictures of Christ—each a true full-color reproduction of an original oil painting by Warner E. Sallman. You can find no more appropriate memorial to the church’s men and women in the Service. A Story-Interpretation, given FREE with each picture, furnishes excellent material for a dedication program. The lovely “Barbizon” frame is charming and elegant. Finished in gold- bronze, it fits into any setting. A true work of art, it augments the richness, warmth and strength of the pictures. In large rooms a combination hanging of two or three pictures is very impressive. “Verplexed” for Permanency “Verplexing” seals in the colors and protects the surface; gives an embossed effect which simulates the brush marks of the original oil painting. “Verplexed” pictures are framed withofit glass—after the manner of valuable originals. THREE SalUuui SUBJECTS N O W A V A IL A B L E - L A R G E SIZE No. 4000—Head of Christ, 35x45 __________ !— $40.00 No. 4002—Christ at Heart’s Door, 35x45 ---------- 40.00 No. 4003—The Lord Is My Shepherd, 35x45 ........ 40.00 A bronze name plate (available through your picture supplier) provides permanent marking of your memorial. A W A R N E R P R E S S P R O D U C T O R D E R F R O M Y O U R C H U R C H S U P P L I E S D E A L E R IM P R E S S IV E L Y LA RG E 3 5 x 4 5 F R A M E Adequate tor Auditorium, Chapel, Tabernacle, etc.
201 N. W e ll, St., Dept. K1Ò, Chicago 1, 111.
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