T H R E E V A L U A B L E G I F T S FREE To New Subscribers o f the WAY Magazine 1 Photo of CHARLES E. FULLER FREE large 8x10 photo of this famous radio preacher. (Cover picture on the WAY, January issue.) 2 January issue of the WAY magazine with 68 pages —more than 12 articles, 24 pages of pictures—4 beautiful colors. (Your subscription starts Febru ary.) 3 Pictorial history of the Old Fashioned Revival Hour and its founder, Charles E. Fuller, included in the January issue. Three Valuable Gifts You can have a large beautiful 8x10 inch photograph of Dr. Charles E. Fuller, the Director of the Old Fashioned Revival Hour. Also we will send you the January issue of the W AY magazine with 68 pages, more than 12 articles and 4 picture stories, 24 pages of pictures, printed in 4 beautiful colors. We will send you these three valuable gifts free with one year’s subscrip tion to the W AY magazine. The W A Y magazine contains 4 key types of reading which will help you keep abreast of the times. FOUR Kinds o f Reading each month in the W A Y I The WAY magazine reports for you the world-wide march of 3 The WAY magazine pictures foi you the march of the church iri A l l V A I i n f c n c c ALL YUUKj I Ktfc Here’s How to Get these
Contents of Recent Issue IN THE N EW S The Future of the Church in Europe, Evangelize ........................... 7 What’s Being Planned for China, Richard T. Baker ........ - .........35 Why Go to Palestine, Sunday School Times .............. 37 Report on South America, A Symposium .....— ................. 41
W ITH PICTURE STORIES Theodore Epp: Good News Broad
caster, Harry J. Albus ............... II
ROUND THE W O R LD United States................
International .............................2 I Canada ............. ........ ->...........22 South America ......... 22 Europe ..................................... 23 Africa ........ ..............................24 India ...................................... 25 China ...................................... 25 Youth World .............................29 Radio World ... 29 Book World ................................— ...30 Film World ....... .33
various countries the same way as the LIFE magazine. Some issues carry more than 24 pages of pic tures interpreting Christian news. 1 The Way magazine is published for the sole purpose of helping you in your life. Its devotional anc practical articles are slanted to hell you solve your personal problem^ It will give you inspiration an< guidance in solving the perplexities of your life.
the church in a 16-page global news coverage. It brings to you signif icant church news in the same man ner as TIME and NEWSWEEK re ports secular activities. 2 The WAY magazine digests for you the most important articles of world-wide significance from more than 300 magazines. Like the READERS DIGEST and MAGA ZINE DIGEST it shows you how significant events in world news af fect you.
BOOK DIGESTS Chinese Police Chief,
You can have the WAY magazine for one year for $2. And as a special re ward for acting RIGHT NOW we will send you a picture of Dr. Charles E Fuller, the January issue of the WAY magazine which included the pictur« story of the Old Fashioned Revival Hour. ALL YOURS FREE. (Your sub scription starts February.) Simply sign the order blank below and mail with $2. Will you be ordering your subscription NOW? Good! The free gifts are yours.
Miracle Lives of China............ 45
FOR YOUR LIFE God’s Service Star,
Missionary Broadcaster ........ 5 Plan Your Quiet Time, Gospel Herald...............—.—— .17 What About the Social Gospel, His ..............................................39 How to Be Lovely, Pentecostal Advocate....Back Cover
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