Avoid Aches & Pains in the Garden this Spring
Common gardening activities, such as digging, planting, weeding, mulching, and raking can cause stress and strain on muscles and joints. This is especially true for senior citizens and people who are normally sedentary. Different body areas such as the shoulders, neck, back, and knees can be vulnerable to injury during gardening. These Tips Can Help Prevent Injuries: • Warmupbeforeyougarden.A10 minute brisk walk and stretches for the spine and limbs are good ways to warm up. • Change positions frequently to avoid stiffness or cramping. • Make use of a garden cart or wheelbarrow to move heavy planting materials or tools. Be sure to keep your back straight while using a wheelbarrow. • If kneeling on both knees causes discomfort in your back, try kneeling on one and keep the other foot on the ground.
Use knee pads or a gardening pad when kneeling. • If kneeling or leaning down to the ground causes significant pain in your back or knees, consider using elevated planters to do your gardening. • Avoid bending your wrist upwards when pulling things or using gardening tools. Instead, keep your wrist straight and use your shoulder muscles to pull and lift. • End your gardening session with some gentle backward bending of your low back, a short walk and light stretching, similar to stretches done before starting. Author:AndreaAvruskinPT,DPT
• 1 1/2 tsp paprika powder • 1 cup spicy BBQ sauce • 1 tsp sriracha sauce (optional) • 2 green onions, cut into rings • salt • black pepper
INGREDIENTS • 1 head of cauliflower • 3/4 cup chickpea flour • 3/4 cup unsweetened almond or soy milk • 2 tsp garlic powder
DIRECTIONS Heat the oven to 350 °F. Carefully cut cauliflower into bite-sized florets. In a large bowl, combine chickpea flour, the plant-based milk, garlic powder, paprika powder, salt, and black pepper. Stir until well combined. Dip florets into batter so they’re completely coated. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and lay cauliflowerfloretsonbakingsheet.Bake for25minutesat350°F.Oncebaked, transfer the cooked cauliflower wings to a bowl. Combine the BBQ sauce with a teaspoon of sriracha sauce and pour it over the baked cauliflower wings. Evenly coat them from all sides by stirring them a few times. Put coated hot wings back on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake again for 20 minutes at 350 °F. Serve immediately and sprinkle with green onions. Serve with vegan aioli or vegan ranch sauce.
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“I knew I needed to have some therapy on my back because it was so painful. I had no idea why. I referred myself to Blue Ridge PhysicalTherapy for help and relief. The staff was so nice at first and throughout the 3 months of therapy. I felt very comfortable, plus, I was making progress and in much less pain.
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On top of the back issues, I developed vertigo and they helped me with manual manipulations. Then my vertigo went away much to my relief also. All the staff was super friendly. I consider them friends now. I looked forward to going to work on my problems with them and appreciate all they did to help me feel better.” – B. U.
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