Recurring Themes
Recurring Themes
Recurring Themes
• Networking/Connections/Relationship Building “It is a great organization for networking, getting involved with the community, and meeting like-minded professionals.” • Conference/Career Expo “Enjoyed the experience/exposure to the many companies that attended the conference. Great networking opportunities throughout the nation.” “It is an amazing opportunity to network with like-minded individuals and to be exposed to information and events that can advance your career.” • Brand Reputation “The NBMBAA is the strongest black professional and networking organization I am aware of.” • Opportunities for Career Growth/ Professional Development
• Networking/Connections/Relationship Building “It could a great networking opportunity and career enhancement if someone is looking for a job” • Conference/Career Expo “The conference / job fair is the primary reason I would recommend membership to a junior level friend or colleague. Up until very recently, I would say that I would only recommend to junior levels as the conference and the associate job fair is geared towards people just getting their MBA or only a few years removed. I would also say that it is geared towards certain MBA career tracks such as marketing and less so for more quantitative MBA tracks such as finance and accounting. However, lately I am starting to see more content during the conference geared towards more seasoned professionals and towards finance.”
• Lack of Relevant Programming for Seasoned Professionals “…I would definitely recommend the organization to those in the early and mid-years of their career. As an executive- level professional, I have found that I have not yielded the connections and insights that are most helpful at this stage of my career…” • Lack of Relevant Programming for those NOT in Corporate Sector or Popular Industries “There needs to be a shift to focus on life beyond/outside of corporate employment to enable members to truly maximize their MBA’s ROI.” • Lack of Meaningful/Relevant (General) Programming “Not enough meaningful events or ways to participate”
Net Promoter Score 29 N=458
National Black MBA Association ® Stakeholder Pulse Checks November 2019
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