The King's Awards Magazine 2024


Why the King’s Awards for Enterprise really matter:

learned during the application process, new targets set and additional focus given to how the company can come back even bigger and better the following year, on a quest to become a worthy future award holder – and one of the best British companies in its field. Over the past 55 years, since the awards’launch in 1965, entrants have come from all around the UK, from city-based centres of commerce to remote locations in Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Channel Islands. The majority of winning companies have fewer than 250 employees, but larger companies have also clinched this most prestigious of accolades. Entering the King’s Awards: In order to enter, your company must have at least two full-time employees. There is a straightforward online entry process. How long this takes to complete will understandably vary according to the type of company and its products, and how readily available the required data is. Your chances of success – and the accolades associated with this – are high. On average, a quarter of those entering succeed in gaining a King’s Award. Of course, any award is only as good as the employees who have worked hard to achieve it, and this recognition is the ultimate morale booster. Each business that has been awarded receives a formal presentation by The King’s representative (often the county’s Lord- Lieutenant) at the company’s premises or another suitable location; some examples of these presentations can be seen in later pages of this publication.

What motivates a company to enter the King’s Awards? The answers to this question are many and varied, but one thing is certain: companies have everything to gain by entering, and nothing to lose. The King’s Awards for Enterprise are widely considered the highest accolade to be bestowed upon a UK business, celebrating the British companies that have showed outstanding achievement in trade, innovation, sustainable development and promoting opportunity through social mobility. Put simply, being honored with an award puts British companies on a pedestal; it celebrates their achievements, in a multitude of sectors, and showcases their innovations, ideas and achievements to a global audience. The King’s Awards are hugely respected, both at home and overseas, and being awarded one has been proven to give companies a winning edge over their competitors, as well as offering the ideal introduction to new customers. Additional benefits of receiving an award range from an increase in overseas trade and the far higher likelihood of staff retention, to the awards’influence in attracting highly skilled staff. Becoming an elite King’s Awards holder also provides unlimited marketing potential across digital and print platforms, both at local and national level. However, it’s not all about receiving an award. Simply entering and becoming a part of the King’s Awards journey is hugely valuable. If success doesn’t happen on the first attempt, lessons will have been

Be celebrated in print and online

In an exclusive promotional opportunity, available only to King’s Award holders, companies are offered the chance to appear in the publication you are reading now, the notable King’s Awards For Enterprise Magazine, and its accompanying website. This high quality publication is independently published, acting as a who’s who of the business world’s greatest innovators. It is

distributed to a prestigious mailing list of recipients, both in the UK and internationally. In a survey of award holders, the majority agreed that the King’s Awards for Enterprise Magazine, and its website, were rated either ‘Good’ or ‘Excellent’. With your help, the dedicated print and online team want to improve on this even further, so please email your feedback to

www. kingsawardsmagazine .com


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