The King's Awards Magazine 2024

What planning did you do beforehand?

We looked through the application process and split it up into manageable stages that we could focus on at any one time. We also looked at each section and gathered as much information and evidence as we could before starting our entry.

How did you find the application process?

The application process was very detailed. 7,000 words looks daunting, but each section was well explained in terms of what we needed to provide, and we gave ourselves enough time to complete the application process, which was important.

7,000 word application form in a week, I would recommend you start the application as soon as you can, and set yourself weekly targets to hit, so you give yourself enough time to complete it before the closing date. How will you use your Award to promote your business going forward? We are trying to get other companies within our industry to adopt our employment model and the King’s Awards for Enterprise is the perfect advert for that.

Did you learn anything about your own company during the process?

Applying for the King’s Award certainly reinforces all the good things that you do as a business as you strip it right back.

Did you engage other team members?

As the King’s Awards requires a lot of detail, we had to engage some of the wider team. So, while we had just two or three people responsible for the entry itself, it was very much a team effort. Describe any challenges you overcame in the process? It is a challenge to get all the information you need together for the application process, but the biggest challenge is time and fitting everything in while also running a business. Now you’ve won an Award, what advice would you give to others thinking of applying? Go for it. If you are thinking of applying, or have been invited to apply, then there must be a good reason, which means you have a good starting base. If you decide to apply, then I would definitely attend an application masterclass if you can as it’s really helpful in terms of hints and tips on what judges are looking for. And because it’s such a detailed process, and you can’t put together a

Would you consider applying again in future?

Definitely. We plan on continuing to be an inclusive employer and we have ambitious targets that we want to hit. Ultimately, we can only do that by continuing to promote opportunity within the business and if we continue to thrive and have success we will apply as it’s been brilliant for the business. What do you consider to be the benefits of being a King’s Award holder? The extra press attention is obviously fantastic, and to be recognised by the highest honour in UK business, renowned across the world, is huge when you are trying to win new business as it means you really stand out and we have had some wonderful potential business opportunities since. More than anything else, however, is the recognition it gives your staff. All awards, but particularly this one, provide your team with so much confidence in the job they’re doing.

King’s Awards Magazine 2024


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