The King's Awards Magazine 2024

How did you find the application process?

Very easy indeed. We particularly liked the fact that work is easily saved within the online form so that it can be picked up and put down at leisure. We found that fitting in the work around existing day-to-day business was really easy as a result.

Did you learn anything about your own compa- ny during the process? I don’t think we learnt anything new, per se, but gathering all the evidence and seeing it annotated into such a condensed form reminded us of all the amazing work we’ve done to become Carbon Net Zero. The feeling of reinvigorated pride that came from that was a very welcome reward for our efforts.

Complex Instrument Chassis moulding in PU

Now you’ve won an Award, what advice would you give to others thinking of applying? This is easy, 100 per cent do it! The application process is straightforward and the benefits of focusing on what your business has achieved are huge. Whether the outcome is a win or a ‘try again’ everyone in an organisation will benefit from reflecting on past success and that is essentially what applying for a King’s Award is. How will you use your Award to promote your business going forward? All the obvious benefits go without saying, i.e. social media posting, website content, magazine and online PR, kudos and gravitas building, etc. But for me, it is the constant daily reminder that Midas has achieved so much, and we have the King’s recognition for that achievement. Having the physical award, the Rose Bowl, on site is a talking point for every customer visit and every technical meeting. It is a solid visual reminder to any visitor that our company is exceptional, so much so we have royal approval!

Did you engage other team members?

Yes. Midas has several senior managers who are particularly ‘green-minded’ and we involved them in data collection and the telling of the story. The application journey is a positive, self-affirming process and it was good to share that with key green members of the Midas team. Describe any challenges you overcame in the process? To be honest, I don’t recall any challenges. It was just a case of getting on with the work, which just takes the allocation of time and self-discipline, neither of which was a problem.

Midas HQ - Unitt 22 Shuttleworth Road

Would you consider applying again in future?

Yes. I am currently considering applying for a new King’s Award for Innovation, the mulling continues as to whether to apply for 2025 or 2026… What do you consider to be the benefits of being a King’s Award holder? Royal recognition, sales enhancement, kudos, gravitas, peer respect, PR & marketing benefits, employee uplift, industry respect.

King’s Awards Magazine 2024


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