The King's Awards Magazine 2024

JUDGE’S NAME Sarah Atkinson

Don’t just tell us what you've done, tell us what difference it has made, and to whom

CATEGORY Promoting Opportunity

AREA OF INTEREST Social Mobility & Inclusion

Sarah Atkinson is the Chief Executive of the Social Mobility Foundation, a charity working to make a practical difference to young people from disadvantaged backgrounds across the UK. Before joining the SMF, Sarah was the Executive Director for Strategy, Policy and Communications at the Charity Commission. Prior to that, she worked within the private sector, including roles with Nationwide Building Society and in public affairs consultancy. Ms Atkinson is a member of the Charity Tax Commission and has board roles at Endometriosis UK, Womankind Worldwide, and the Professional Association of Childcare and Early Years. She is also a Leadership Fellow at St George’s House, Windsor as well as a mentor on the Leaders Plus fellowship programme.

WHAT MADE YOU CHOOSE TO BE A JUDGE FOR THE KING'S AWARDS? Social mobility is one of the biggest challenges facing our country at the moment and it's vital for our economy and our society that we level the playing field for people from disadvantaged backgrounds and neglected communities. We need to celebrate the achievements of UK businesses and social enterprises that have committed to social mobility, and the King's Awards do exactly that. WHY DO THE KING'S AWARDS MATTER TO BUSINESS? The King's Awards are a mark of excellence and I have certainly seen how winning has led to increased profile - both within the UK and internationally - and to increased commercial and partnership opportunities. I know winning an Award in the category of Promoting Opportunity is also a huge morale boost to employees and to the wider community they support, because it recognises the impact they have had. WHAT DO YOU ENJOY MOST ABOUT BEING A KA JUDGE? Reading through all the Awards submissions and seeing the range of entries from businesses of all sizes showcasing their efforts to promote opportunities for disadvantaged groups. The entries that stand out are the ones where every part of the organisation has been engaged and it's clear that the business takes real pride in the difference they are making. They bring a real smile to my face. WHAT SPARKS YOUR INTEREST ACROSS KING'S AWARD APPLICANTS THIS YEAR? Some of the applicants this year were coming back for a second time, having been unsuccessful previously. It was great to see where they they had taken on the feedback and been committed to improvement, and a real pleasure to recommend them for an Award.

WHAT’S YOUR TOP TIP FOR A COMPANY THAT IS THINKING OF APPLYING FOR A KING'S AWARD? Don’t just tell us what you've done, tell us what difference it has made, and to whom. Show us that you've been able to create real opportunities for disadvantaged people, and how employees across your business have really engaged. DESCRIBE THE BENEFITS OF BEING A KING'S AWARDS WINNER, AS YOU SEE IT The judging process is exacting and Awards are only given where a business has been able to show commitment to Promoting Opportunity over a sustained period and demonstrate it has made a difference. So winners can be confident that the Award is a real mark of excellence and marks them out to customers, employees and the wider community as a top performer.


One of the hallmarks of British business is that we are truly innovative and we certainly see that across all the businesses and social enterprises that are recognised in the King's Awards. Strong bonds with the communities in which businesses are located, and investment in long-term relationships, are also, for me, hallmarks of British business. ANYTHING ELSE YOU’D LIKE TO ADD? The pandemic has highlighted and increased the barriers which prevent disadvantaged people achieving their potential, but it has also inspired many businesses to respond to the challenge and invest in social mobility. I’m looking forward to seeing that reflected in next year’s entries.

www. kingsawardsmagazine .com


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