The King's Awards Magazine 2024


JUDGE’S NAME Tunde Banjoko OBE

Take the time to put as much effort into the application as you did when doing the work

CATEGORY Promoting Opportunity

AREA OF INTEREST Diversity, equity and inclusion, with a particular interest in social mobility and race equality

A passionate social justice advocate with almost 30 years’ experience running a grassroots organisation, Tunde Banjoko is the founder of multiple initiatives (including the social mobility charity Making The Leap and the UK Social Mobility Awards) which try to help make the world a fairer place. As well as providing consultancy to businesses who wish to make advances on race equity, Tunde is known as an inspiring and convincing public speaker, and is qualified as an Executive Coach. He has an MSc in Urban Regeneration from UCL and was awarded an OBE in the 2008 Queen's Birthday Honours List.

WHAT MADE YOU CHOOSE TO BE A JUDGE FOR THE KING'S AWARDS? I accepted the invitation to be a judge because I believe the King's Awards for Enterprise are an exceptional vehicle to encourage businesses to excel in the area relevant to their category. WHY DO THE KING'S AWARDS MATTER TO BUSINESS? They matter because they are not easy to win. It is a rigorous process and the assessors are experienced and diligent, and that’s before it even gets to the judges, so being awarded one is an achievement. They are extremely prestigious awards, something a business can proudly display for five years. WHAT DO YOU ENJOY MOST ABOUT BEING A KING'S AWARD JUDGE? Just being part of such a distinguished and diverse group of individuals that form the judging panel. They are themselves experienced and successful in business and it is a privilege to listen and engage in their deliberations. WHAT SPARKS YOUR INTEREST ACROSS THE KING'S AWARD APPLICANTS THIS YEAR? How the applicants fared and did exceptional work at a time when Covid was still a major factor. How they adjusted, adapted and, in some cases, pivoted, and achieved quality outcomes; that particularly interested me.

WHAT’S YOUR TOP TIP FOR A COMPANY THAT IS THINKING OF APPLYING FOR A KING'S AWARD? Take the time to put as much effort into the application as you did when doing the work. It is a challenging process, so give it your best shot and really explain in detail what it is you are achieving. Do not leave the assessors to have to figure it out. DESCRIBE THE BENEFITS OF BEING A KING'S AWARD WINNER, AS YOU SEE IT This for me is a no-brainer. You get the opportunity to display the Award which in turn says to everyone – but most importantly current and prospective customers – that you are operating to a very high standard. DESCRIBE A FEW FEATURES YOU BELIEVE MAKE BRITISH BUSINESSES SUCH A GLOBAL SUCCESS The starting point for British businesses is a very high benchmark; there is a long history of global success that has led the way and inspires today's businesses to reach for the very top.

King’s Awards Magazine 2024


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