The King's Awards Magazine 2024

Did you learn anything about your own company during the process?

Would you consider applying again in future?

Yes! I use the different types of awards as areas to improve on and move into. I want to diversify and ensure that we are bound by a higher purpose. Looking into these different categories and criteria (within NATO Goals for instance) gives the business a higher aim. What do you consider to be the benefits of being a King’s Award holder? We have confidence and therefore reassurance. We feel calm as it’s an honour. We enjoy peace of mind to stay on track (we must be doing something right!), and we have courage to move forward. To know the application was audited, well assessed and then awarded means that the King has recognised your hard work.

Yes - it was a really good opportunity to delve below the bonnet some more. We realigned our core values and ensured we held ourselves to account.

Did you engage other team members?

Yes, absolutely. We gave each of the areas of competency part of the application to write and check. Finance did figures, and all other areas of the business were held to account to produce their parts of the application. That way the team were able to self-reflect and buy into the application. Describe any challenges you overcame in the process? Honestly I cannot remember any. I suppose the initial brief may have been a little daunting for the team but once we got cracking, we were able to pull things together fairly quickly. Now you’ve won an Award, what advice would you give to others thinking of applying? Talk from the gut and be real. Hold yourself, [your] team and business to account on different elements that you might uncover during the application process. Use the process as a chance to have a deep dive into the business. How will you use your Award to promote your business going forward? To be able to place the [King’s Award] logo on our literature and marketing material is just incredible. It’s a huge honour to be associated with it. For the team, it’s something that they are very proud of, to be able to say ‘King’s Award winner’ I know is a real honour for them.

What we have done has been a success!

Receiving a King’s Award really helps with confidence.

King’s Awards Magazine 2024


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