The King's Awards Magazine 2024

Describe any challenges you overcame in the process? Our innovation is quite technical so we were concerned as to the depth to present the technology but the assessment team are very experienced and highly technical so we need not have worried. Now you’ve won an Award, what advice would you give to others thinking of applying? The UK is bustling with companies with great innovative ideas. I can only speak about the KAE for innovation, but it is definitely worth investing in an application if you have a real innovation. Looking at all the winners in the category, it is not about routine product development but about step changes in capability; something which will make a real difference in any discipline. How will you use your Award to promote your business going forward? The Innovation Award is recognised around the world as being awarded only to those businesses that have achieved the highest level of advance in their field. We have already received orders from new overseas customers who recognise the King’s Award as a mark of quality; not just the highest quality research and innovation but also a mark of a high-quality company.

Would you consider applying again in future?

Yes, we are constantly innovating and we will apply again when we have the next step change in capability ready and sold. We are now also exporting significantly more products so we would also consider applying for a King’s Award for International Trade in the future. What do you consider to be the benefits of being a King’s Award holder? Primarily it is recognition that we are working at the highest level, both in terms of innovation and seen from outside that we are included in “THE LIST” of best UK companies to work with. For our staff it is about recognition for all their hard work and dedication over many years of research, and for our customers and potential customers, it is a mark of quality which says clearly that we are innovators and a solid, trustworthy and reliable company to do business with.

Tarsier – our runway debris detection system.

LREO – our 30km thermal imaging/NIR camera used for borders/ asset protection

The Sesanti Directors with The Lord Lieutenant of Hampshire and his Deputy

King’s Awards Magazine 2024


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