King's Business - 1927-08


August 1927

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

F red S. Shepard’s Blackboard Outline


to give up her work with the White Tem­ ple Baptist Church of San'Diego, is re­ cuperating at Clear Lake Highlands, Calif., for thé summer. ; ' - -O—■ C. N. H IEBERT,, ’21, is in charge of a mission for RusSian-Cerman people at Winnipeg, Canada. y-'v-’fAb'rG;..; ■ ; T, M, BOESÈ, ’23, report's that he is in charge of two Sunday Schools and _an adult Bible class with the American Sun­ day School Union at Springfield, S. D. MR. AND MRS." WATERED ROD- MAN, ; ’20 and ’21 respectively,; have re­ cently changed their address from Zaraza, Venezuela, to El Valle de la Pascua, Estado Guarico, Venezuela. B IRD IE B. GILGERT, ’20, is hard at work among the Indians at Sells, Arizona, in the Presbyterian School and Commun­ ity Center. -—o— “The Central American Bulletin” ¡in a recent issue records the welcome to the home of MR. AND MRS. A. J. ANDER­ SON, ’23, P. G. ’24, on May 2, at Rose, New York, of little Miss Virginia Dora. Mrs. Anderson will be remembèred as M ISS MARIE MACK,.’23. —o—■ REV; AND MRS. WALTER T. S T E ­ VEN, of the Hunan Bible Institute, now on furlough in Canada, announce thé birth of a son, Douglas Langman, May 18, 1927. -•o— REV. JOHN C. DERFELT , ’26,' has been greatly blessed of latè in his work as the pastor of the Fremont Baptist Church, Los Angeles. On June 5 the conigregation moved into their new build-

DR. AND MRS. J. M. M ac INNIS sailed'bn July 9 from New York on the Olympic, for England, to attend the Kes­ wick Conference held July 16 to 24. ' From' England, Dr. and Mrs. Maclnnis will go to Scotland, where Dr. Maclnnis will occupy the pulpit of the Palmerston Place Church in Edmburgh for the first three Sundays in August' While in Europe, Dr. apd Mrs. Mac­ lnnis will visit England, Belgium, Scot­ land, Ireland and France. They will re­ turn early in... September, reaching Los Angeles for the opening- session of the Bible Institute. '. —o— 1 HENRY SCHELLËNBERG, ’24, has been attending Normal School at Win­ nipeg, Canada, during the past year. Mrs. Schellenberg has been taking the courses of thè Winnipeg Bible Training School. She entered training at Grace Hospital May 18. They are: ' still i >bound for heaven by way of Africa. ——o— BEATR ICE TANNEHILL, ’25, is now well settled at KacengU, ;Africa Inland Mission. She.- is in charge of a, boys’ school and enjoying thé work. —o— : ELIZABETH FQTH, T6, New York City, says : “I am pastor’s assistant and do evangelistic work. Am teaching sev­ enteen classes a week, do visitation work in homes and hospitals. Besides I have charge of two missions, one in connection with the church and the other in New York. On my day off I have a children’s meeting in the Bowery of New York. The Lord did not permit me to go to In­ dia but He sent them to me. I have a class of Central American Indians ; there are fifty-six boys in the c it y .” ■—o—— MRS. R. J. LARSON (nee Elvira Rodman ’21 ) is making her home in San Francisco. -— o — GRACE EDNA MOTT, ’23, is work­ ing among the Jewish people in the Bronx, New York City. — o — ANNIE BETHKE, T9, finds plenty to do as a Bible teacher at Jackson, Ky. —o— MR. W. R. HUNRICHS, ’22, and MRS. HUNRICHS (nee HAZEL LONG ’2 J),. write from JURUENA, Matto Grosso, Brazil, .“My wife and I are in­ tending to open up a new work, the Lord opening the way, amongst the Paricis and Franchi Indians.” — o — MR. AND MRS. ANDREW P. UHLINGER (nee B IRD IE D e HOOG) ’16, are home on furlough from British East Africa. All four of their children were born in Africa, and all are well. — o — - HATT IE O. .SHAFFER , ’21, who was recently compelled, on account of illness,

10. When we let God choose for us, we will always be- on the safe and right side. 11. Worshipping Jehovah should be the center, of a nation’s life. 12. Those, who spurn God’s advice, and after that, the advice of.'wise men, are bound to fail. (The above outline from Arnold’s Practical commentary.) ,$!£. . President Coolidge and The Book A LET TER w r i t te n by President Coolidge to the organizer of a Bible Class, in Washington, was' made public through the daily papers the past month. He deplores,7the fact that “popular fa­ miliarity with the Scriptures is not as great at the present time as it has been in the past in’l " : Mr, Coolidge’s letter declared that the foundations of American society and government rest so much on the teach­ ings of the Bible that “it would be dif­ ficult to support them if faith in these teachings should cease to be practically universal in our country.” : “Everyone who has given the matter any thought,” the President said, “knows of the great literary value of the Bible and the broad culture, aside from its re­ ligious aspect, that comes from a general familiarity with it. Although-it has been the subject of most careful and painstak­ ing study for hundreds o f years, its most thorough students find in it a constant revelation of new thoughts and new ideals which minister to the spiritual na­ ture of the race. “It would be difficult to conceive of any kind of religious instruction which omit­ ted to place its main emphasis on the precepts of this great book. It has been the source of inspiration and comfort to those who have had the privilege of com­ ing in contact with it, and wherever it goes it raises the whole standard of hu­ man relationship.” The Sweetest Burden Samuel Rutherford said: “Christ’s Cross is the sweetest burden that ever I bore; it is such a burden as wings are to a bird, or sails to a ship, to carry me for­ ward to my harbor.”

Pearce H ungry to Hear fr o m You! T h e Correspondence School has enrolled in its v a r i o u s courses since January 1, 1927, 275 students. During this time 71 have, completed courses and received Institute certificates. The present enrollment stands at 14.45. Alan S. Pearce, secretary of the .Correspondence School, earn­ estly desires to see this number doubled by the end o f the year. Will you, who have been priv­ ileged to sit under the teachings of men of God in the class r o om, assist in doubling the present enrollment: by sending in n a m e s of those: who :you feel might be interested in such a study ?

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