King's Business - 1927-08


August 1927

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

Commencement Exercises of the Class of 1927 at San Francisco Seminary, San Anselmo, California. —o— Th e. April-May number of “The Bible Lands Gospel Mission,” Mt. Lebanon, Syria, carries an interesting personal word over the signatures of M ISSES GRACE OGG AND LEONA RENKEL, ‘26. They speak of how much they are enjoying their home, which is so beau­ tifully situated on the Lebanon Moun­ tainside overlooking the valley and the .sea. ——o— ’■ From the heart of the Sudan, Africa, comes word from M ISS HELEN E. MEAD, ’17, that she expects to reach America, on furlough this summer. FRED 'A . JOHNSON, ’22, in a recent letter, expresses, gratitude t6 God that during the last five years he has had some part in Gospel work among the Hopi In­ dians. —o— MRS. FLORA P. KEMPTNER, ’14, writes, that the past two years and a half, •since returning to Africa after furlough, have been •busy and happy ones in His service. Her present address is Aru, Congo Beige, via Egypt. —o^—" MR. AND MRS! ORVAL J. K IRK hoped to return during this year to the Congo, West. Africa, to a new field, but apparently that was not God’s plan for their lives. The door to that section was not open, but another field seems to be almost ready for their going. They ask prayer that God may hasten the day of their return. M A R G A R E T 0E. DUSENBERRY, ’25, has been for a year and a half at­ tending the University of California, Southern Branch, in Lbs Angeles. GEORGE and "GLADYS EKDAHL, ’18, ’19, are back again in their former station at Torotor.o, Charcas, Bolivia, a f­ ter their furlough here in America. — o — Wedding Bells! ELLA MAY SAY­ LOR, .’25, to R. L. PEARCE. They are at home to their friends at R. D. No." 1, Downs, Kansas. ; . CHARLES G. SPROUT, ’17, is giving the greater part of his time to work among the boys at Yakuluku Station, A f­ rica Inland Mission, the Sudan. There are those that are coming to the house from time to time saying that they want to confess their sins and accept Jesus as their Saviour. — o — FRANK FAUCETTE, ’21, P, G. ’22, has closed his first year at Princeton Seminary, and is preaching this" summer at Square Butte, Montana, where he served last year. He writes of attending the Bible Institute reunion at New York, with “Daddy” Hillis presiding. — o — REV. H. H. DONNENWORTH, P. G. ’25, has been returned, by the Annual Con­ ference, to the field at Galeton, Colorado. This is his third year in this promising field. —o— - REV. H. ROSS SHAFFER , ’21, and M ISS LUCILLE CAMPTON, a former student, were recently married at the

North Broadway Christian Church, Los Angeles. They have been prominent in County Christian Endeavor work. They sailed June 18, from New York, for Sao Paulo, Brazil, where Mr. Shaffer will teach in McKenzie College. OSCAR WALTON, ’24, has been teaching in the High School of the South­ ern Presbyterian Mission at Yencheng, Kiangsu, China, during the past year. He covets prayers that he may be led defi­ nitely as to the Lord’s plan for him next year. : .,;V-43— MR. AND MRS. •G U E R N S E Y BROWN (nee Lillian Lane, ’21) report two advance steps in their work at Hono­ lulu, Hawaiian Islands. During 1926 a quarterly conference for testimony and prayer was held. This has proved to be a real blessing. Since January of that year God has been sending in funds through Christian friends for the publica­ tion of tracts and for the purchase of Bibles, Testaments and Song Books to be used in. connection with the Bible Classes. MRS. AMANDA HULL (nee Amanda Yoho, ’22) writes an interesting letter to the Alumni Association concerning work in West Africa. She tells of seeing “dusky faces light and bright with a ra­ diance from on high, and because of white hearts cleansed in the blood of Christ.” She speaks of her husband, CHARLES D. HULL, ’20: “Charlie has been itinerating lately and reaching peo­ ple who aren’t near Mission Stations.” —o—- M ISS ELLA G. BENNETT, ’20, re­ quests prayer for her work in Guatemala. “My Sunday School Class, that they may grow in the knowledge of the Lord. My personal work, that squls may be won. My English Classes, that the pupils may be won to the Lord. That the Lord will show me clearly if He wants me to return to the States in December to take post graduate work at B. I.”

HARRY P. HERDMAN THE MAN. YOU'VE HEARD OVER KTBI . SUCCEEDS M. E. CARRIER AS RADIO ANNOUNCER ing. Souls are being saved, the member­ ship has tripled in a year, and audiences are increasing. In the providence of God, CLARA S. NIELSON, ’16, went to be with Him on June S, 1927. Miss Nielson had been . ill for but a brief time at the California Lutheran Hospital, Los Angeles. Since her graduation she has been engaged in city mission work under the Baptist de­ nomination. She will be greatly missed at the Bauchet Mission where she has labored so faithfully and lovingly. —o— Belated word comes of the death of MR. FREDER ICK BENSON ; ’22, at Metla Katla, Alaska, May 26, 1926. The cause of death was influenza. Our sym­ pathy goes out to the loved ones of this devoted Christian worker and to the peo­ ple of that far north field among whom he lived. —o— MARGARET L. TH IESEN , ’22, has been Reaching in the Maple School near Shafter, California, .the past year. —-o:— MR. AND MRS. IVAN G ELL IS, P. G. ’26 and ’26, expected to go imme­ diately to China a year ago but were re­ jected on account of Mrs. Ellis’ health. This action appears now as providential, since in all probability the troubled con­ dition in China would .have made their return to the United States imperative at once. They have been led into a very needy field at Port Huron, Michigan. They find, that the course in Christian Education which they pursued at B. I. is of great help to them in the organization and the management of a new Sunday School in their new work. They expect to have a flourishing Daily Vacation Bible School this summer. —o— Friends in Los Angeles received re­ cently from CARL C. JAMES, a former student, an invitation to be present at the

M r. Ross At Lomita REV. BR ITTON R O S S , Bible Institute Evangelist, closed his evangelistic campaign at Lo­ mita, June 12. From the very beginning his ministry there was marvelously blessed. U s e was made of the Bible Institute tent and, though it is large, it was comfortably filled n i g h t after night. Figures are eloquent but never tell the full story of what God has wrought. There were, dur­ ing the three weeks, an even one hundred who accepted Christ as their personal Saviour. Twenty yielded their lives for full time Christian service. Over one hundred re-consecrated them­ selves to God. The whole com­ munity was stirred- The music of the campaign was directed by MR. AND MRS. LEO POL- MAN, ’22, ’20. These able lead­ ers of song have endeared them­ selves and been greatly used wherever they have gone.

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