King's Business - 1927-08

August 1927


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

KgbJ ........K Q g I Book Table J V < i$9n^ = . ar3ii Christ, Sin and Redemption B y R ev . P rof : D avid R ussell S cott .. “Christ, Sin and Redemption, The Place of Christ in Divine Forgiveness,” is a book title that challenges genuine thinking in a day when men are more or less hazy in their thinking regarding the funda­ mental things of Christianity. The book is true to Christ as God manifest; clear on the subject that sin is against God and not against man primarily; and that' re­ demption is a supernatural action in which God saves men by the cross, and Dr. Scott says some very fine, stimulating things regarding Jhese subjects, but un­ fortunately the book introduces a number of critical statements that are not in any way essential to the author’s: argument, but very vitally mar the value of the book. We do not feel that we can af­ ford to recommend a book that questions the reliability of the New Testament record in the details of so important a story as the resurrection or, for that mat­ ter, the details of any part of the story. The author says some very fine things about the death of Christ and some things that are necessary in the way of cor­ recting unwarranted theories about that death, but we feel that some of the things that are said are hardly in keeping with the New Testament fact. We feel ex­ ceedingly sorry that a book that is so well written and contains so much real food for thought should be marred by a few critical assumptions that are not sus­ tained by either the text or careful schol­ arship.—J. M. M. —o— Another book comes from the pen of Dr. F. E. Marsh, under the title, “The Spiritual Life—or Helps and Hind­ rances.” This is published by Dr. Marsh himself, and the price is $1.25. In Dr. Marsh’s usual, very helpful style, he takes up, especially for young believers, such questions as prayer, the secret of spiritual life ; the separated, life ; thoroughness in the spiritual life ; Scripture as the feeder of spiritual life; God, the objective of spirituality; the Holy Spirit for power; and several other subjects. Other chap­ ters are devoted to definite hindrances to consecration, and in this section Dr. Marsh deals with heart impurity, world­ liness, bitterness, self, anxiety, cowardice, evil speaking, pride, prayerlessness, neg­ lect of the Bible and unbelief. Pastors will find in this book suggestions for a series of messages that would be of great benefit to young people.—K. L. B. —o—’ Three Books on Psychology M odern P sychology and th e V alid ­ ity of C hristian E xperience , by Cyril H. Valentine, M.A., Ph.D., published by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge and represented by the Mac­ Millan Company, New York City. T h e P sychology of S aving F a ith , by S. Miles Robinson, M.D., published by The Christian Alliance Publishing Com­ pany, $1.50 net, T h e N ew P sychology and th e Gos- The Spiritual Life B y D r . F . E . M arsh

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Jam es Boring’s Travel Service, Inc., Bible House, New York City.

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